Multiplicative Interaction Models Diagnostics and Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘interflex’ version 1.2.6

Help Pages

interflex-package Multiplicative Interaction Models Diagnostics and Visualization
createFolds Internal Interflex Functions
fastplm Internal Interflex Functions
inter.test Conduct t-Test after Estimation
interflex Flexible Interactive Models
interflex.binning Internal Interflex Functions
interflex.gam Internal Interflex Functions
interflex.kernel Internal Interflex Functions
interflex.linear Internal Interflex Functions
interflex.plot.pool Internal Interflex Functions
interflex.raw Internal Interflex Functions
iv_fastplm Internal Interflex Functions
plot.interflex Plotting Marginal Effect Estimates
predict.interflex Plotting Marginal Effect Estimates
rcpparma_bothproducts Set of functions in example RcppArmadillo package
rcpparma_hello_world Set of functions in example RcppArmadillo package
rcpparma_innerproduct Set of functions in example RcppArmadillo package
rcpparma_outerproduct Set of functions in example RcppArmadillo package
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vcovCluster Internal Interflex Functions