new_asso {insectDisease} | R Documentation |
These data are included because they were originally part of the EDWIP data. We caution the user to not use these data, as we do not believe the records are correct.
These data are included because they were originally part of the EDWIP data. These data are identical to the 'nematode' data, as far as we can tell.
A data.frame of not good records
A data.frame
ERNnew. EDWIP record number
HostSpecies. Host species
HostOrder. Host order
HostFamily. Host family
HostHabitat. Habitat type of host
HostFood. What does the host eat?
HostGenYr. Number of generations of hosts per year
PathSpecies. Nematode species
PathGroup. Pathogen group (fungi, protozoa, nematode, etc.)
PathHighTaxon. Pathogen taxonomic information (mostly 'NA')
PathLowTaxon. Pathogen taxonomic information (mostly 'NA')
StageInf. Host life stage infected
TissueInfected. Host tissue infected
Field. Was this a field or lab tested association?
Country. Country of host-pathogen association
IntermediateHost . Information on intermediate hosts
Citation. Citation for host-pathogen record
MoreInfo. Additional comments or notes
Who. Identity of researcher who entered data
CreationDate. Record creation date
ModificationDate. Record modification date
StainFCB . takes values: Adult, egg, larvae, pupa
ERNnem . EDWIP record identifier
Host. Host species
Nematode. Nematode parasite species
NemaOrder. Pathogen order
NemaFamily. Pathogen family
NemaStrain. Pathogen strain
StageInfected. Host stage infected
TissueInfected. Host tissue infected
FieldOrLab. Was this a field or lab tested association?
Country. What country did the interaction occur in?
SoilType. Type of soil where interaction was observed
AssociatedBacterium. Associated bacterium
IntermediateHost. Is there an intermediate host present?
CreationDate. Date of initial data entry
ModificationDate. Modification date of entry
Group. all just say 'nematode'