negative {insectDisease} | R Documentation |
Information on negative host-parasite interactions
Hosts were challenged with pathogen, and did not become infected. These are data on what pathogens do not infect certain hosts.
A data.frame with 529 observations
ERNntr. EDWIP record number
PathogenSpecies. Pathogen species
DateEntered. Date of initial data entry
DateModified. Modification date of entry
LogMaxDose. Dosage, in many different units
HostStageTested. Host stage exposed to pathogen (e.g. Larvae, Nymph, Adult)
HostSpecies. Host species examined
Group. Pathogen group (e.g. viruses)
HighTaxon. General classification of pathogen (e.g. DNA virus)
LowTaxon. More specific classification of pathogen (e.g. Baculoviridae)
HostTaxID. Host NCBI ID number
HostGenus. Host genus
HostFamily. Host family
HostOrder. Host order
HostClass. Host class
PathTaxID. Pathogen NCBI ID number
PathGenus. Pathogen genus
PathFamily. Pathogen family
PathOrder. Pathogen order
PathClass. Pathogen class
PathKingdom. Pathogen kingdom