inpdfr-package |
inpdfr: A package to analyse PDF Files Using Ecological Tools. |
doCluster |
Performs a cluster analysis on the basis of the word-occurrence data.frame. |
doKmeansClust |
Performs a k-means cluster analysis on the basis of the word-occurrence data.frame. |
doMetacomEntropart |
Performs an analysis of ecological diversity and structure. |
doMetacomMetacom |
Performs a metacomunity analysis. |
excludeStopWords |
Exclude StopWords form the word-occurrence data.frame. |
exclusionList_FR |
Stop words in French. |
exclusionList_SP |
Stop words in Spanish. |
exclusionList_UK |
Stop words in English. |
getAllAnalysis |
A quick way to compute a set of analysis from the word-occurrence data.frame. |
getListFiles |
List files in a specified directory sorted by extension. |
getMostFreqWord |
Returns most frequent words. |
getMostFreqWordCor |
Test for correlation between the most frequent words. |
getPDF |
Extract text from PDF files and return a word-occurrence data.frame. |
getStopWords |
Load a list of stopwords. |
getSummaryStatsBARPLOT |
Perform a barplot with the number of unique words per document |
getSummaryStatsHISTO |
Plot an histogram with the number of words excluding stop words |
getSummaryStatsOCCUR |
Plot a scatter plot with the proportion of documents using similar words. |
getTXT |
Extract text from TXT files and return a word-occurrence data.frame. |
getwordOccuDF |
A quick way to obtain the word-occurrence data.frame from a set of documents. |
getXFreqWord |
Returns most frequent words |
IdentifyStructure |
Copy of the identifyStructure function from Tad Dallas metacom package. |
inpdfr |
inpdfr: A package to analyse PDF Files Using Ecological Tools. |
loremIpsum |
Lorem Ipsum text. |
makeWordcloud |
Word cloud based on the word-occurrence data.frame. |
mergeWordFreq |
Merge word-occurrence data.frames into a single data.frame. |
postProcTxt |
Prossess vectors containing words into a data.frame of word occurrences. |
preProcTxt |
Extract text from txt files and pre-process content. |
quitSpaceFromChars |
Delete spaces in file names. |
truncNumWords |
Truncate the word-occurrence data.frame. |
wordOccuDF |
Lorem Ipsum word occurrences. |