innsight_plotly {innsight}R Documentation

S4 class for plotly-based plots


The S4 class innsight_plotly visualizes the results of the methods provided from the package innsight using plotly. In addition, it allows easier analysis of the results and modification of the visualization by basic generic functions. The individual slots are for internal use only and should not be modified.


This S4 class is a simple extension of a plotly object that enables a more detailed analysis of the results and a way to visualize the results of models with multiple input layers (e.g., images and tabular data).

The overall plot is created in the following order:

  1. The corresponding shapes and annotations of the slots annotations and shapes are added to each plot in plots. This also adds the strips at the top for the output node (or input layer) and, if necessary, on the right side for the data point.

  2. Subsequently, all individual plots are combined into one plot with the help of the function plotly::subplot.

  3. Lastly, the global elements from the layout slot are added and if there are multiple input layers (multiplot = TRUE), another output strip is added for the columns.

An example structure of the plot with multiple input layers is shown below:

|      Output 1: Node 1      |      Output 1: Node 3      |
|   Input 1   |   Input 2    |   Input 1   |   Input 2    |
|             |              |             |              |
| plots[1,1]  |  plots[1,2]  | plots[1,3]  | plots[1,4]   | data point 1
|             |              |             |              |
|             |              |             |              |
| plots[2,1]  |  plots[2,2]  | plots[2,3]  | plots[2,4]   | data point 2
|             |              |             |              |

Additionally, some generic functions are implemented to visualize individual aspects of the overall plot or to examine them in more detail. All available generic functions are listed below:



The individual plotly objects arranged as a matrix (see details for more information).


A list of two lists with the names shapes_strips and shapes_other. The list shapes_strips contains the shapes for the strips and may not be manipulated. The other list shapes_other contains a matrix of the same size as plots and each entry contains the shapes of the corresponding plot.


A list of two lists with the names annotations_strips and annotations_other. The list annotations_strips contains the annotations for the strips and may not be manipulated. The other list annotations_other contains a matrix of the same size as plots and each entry contains the annotations of the corresponding plot.


A logical value indicating whether there are multiple input layers and therefore correspondingly individual ggplot2 objects instead of one single object.


This list contains all global layout options, e.g. update buttons, sliders, margins etc. (see plotly::layout for more details).


A list to assign a label to the columns for the output strips.

[Package innsight version 0.3.0 Index]