gwl {inldata} | R Documentation |
Groundwater Levels
Groundwater levels in wells in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) water-level monitoring network, Idaho National Laboratory and vicinity, Idaho. The purpose of this network is to document the changes in storage and the general direction of groundwater flow within the eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP) aquifer. The data collected from this network have been used to determine changes in hydraulic-gradient that affect the rate and direction of groundwater and waste-constituent movement. It can also help identify sources of recharge and measure its effects. The groundwater measurements are taken from both the ESRP aquifer and the perched groundwater zones above the aquifer.
A data frame with columns:
Local site name.
USGS site number.
Date and time the water level was measured, in "America/Denver" time zone. Missing values of time were substituted with "12:00".
Code indicating the method used to determine the water level. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "A" airline measurement, "B" analog or graphic recorder, "F" transducer, "G" pressure-gage measurement, "L" interpreted from geophysical logs, "O" observed, "S" steel-tape measurement, "T" electric-tape measurement, "V" calibrated electric tape—accuracy of instrument has been checked, "W" calibrated electric cable, and "Z" other.
Code indicating the status of the site at the time the water level was measured. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "1" static, "3" true value is above the reported water level value due to local conditions, "5" groundwater level affected by surface water, "P" site was being pumped.
Code indicating the water-level approval status. The codes and their meanings are as follows: "A" approved for publication—processing and review completed, and "P" provisional data subject to revision.
Depth to water level, in feet below the land surface reference point.
Groundwater level above North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), in feet.
Accuracy of depth to water-level measurement (
), in feet.sl_lev_acy_va
Accuracy of groundwater level above NAVD value (
), in feet. Does not account for vertical datum shift.
Data was obtained from the National Water Information System (NWIS) (U.S. Geological Survey, 2023). Groundwater level data was retrieved from NWIS by using the USGS R-package dataRetrieval (DeCicco and others, 2023). Data was retrieved for each site number listed in the samples dataset and removed any non-essential columns.
DeCicco, L.A., Hirsch, R.M., Lorenz, D., Watkins, W.D., Johnson, M., 2023, dataRetrieval: R packages for discovering and retrieving water data available from Federal hydrologic web services, v.2.7.13, doi:10.5066/P9X4L3GE.
U.S. Geological Survey, 2023, National Water Information System—web services, accessed April 7, 2023, from doi:10.5066/F7P55KJN.
poi <- as.POSIXct(c("2000-01-01", "2001-01-01")) # period of interest
site_no <- "432700112470801" # well USGS 1
is <- gwl$lev_dt >= poi[1] & gwl$lev_dt < poi[2] & gwl$site_no == site_no
d <- gwl[is, ]
x = d$lev_dt,
y = d$sl_lev_va,
li = d$sl_lev_va - d$sl_lev_acy_va,
ui = d$sl_lev_va + d$sl_lev_acy_va