Parametric Time-to-Event Analysis with Variable Incubation Phases

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Documentation for package ‘incubate’ version 1.2.1

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as_percent Format a number as percentage.
bsDataStep Generate bootstrap distribution of model parameters to fitted incubate model.
coef.incubate_fit Coefficients of a delay-model fit.
confint.incubate_fit Confidence intervals for parameters of incubate-model fits.
DelayedExponential Delayed Exponential Distribution
DelayedWeibull Delayed Weibull Distribution
delay_fit Fit optimal parameters according to the objective function (either MPSE or MLE0).
delay_model Fit a delayed Exponential or Weibull model to one or two given sample(s).
dexp_delayed Delayed Exponential Distribution
dweib_delayed Delayed Weibull Distribution
estimRoundingError Estimate rounding error based on given sample of metric values The idea is to check at which level of rounding the sample values do not change.
getDist Get delay distribution function
getPars Extract the parameters for the specified group.
objFunFactory Factory method for objective function, either according to maximum product of spacings estimation ('MPSE') or according to standard maximum likelihood estimation ('MLE0').
pexp_delayed Delayed Exponential Distribution
power_diff Power simulation function for a two-group comparison of the delay parameter.
pweib_delayed Delayed Weibull Distribution
qexp_delayed Delayed Exponential Distribution
qweib_delayed Delayed Weibull Distribution
rexp_delayed Delayed Exponential Distribution
rweib_delayed Delayed Weibull Distribution
stankovic Survival of mice with glioma under different treatments.
test_diff Test the difference for delay model parameter(s) between two uncorrelated groups, based on maximum product of spacings estimation (MPSE).
test_GOF Goodness-of-fit (GOF) test statistic.
transform.incubate_fit Transform observed data to unit interval
update.incubate_fit Refit an 'incubate_fit'-object with specified optimization arguments. If more things need to be changed use 'delay_model'.