Compute, Handle, Plot and Model Incidence of Dated Events

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Documentation for package ‘incidence’ version 1.7.3

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"subset.incidence" Subsetting 'incidence' objects
"[.incidence" Subsetting 'incidence' objects
add_incidence_fit Plot function for incidence objects Conversion of incidence objects
as.incidence Conversion of incidence objects Conversion of incidence objects
as.incidence.matrix Conversion of incidence objects
as.incidence.numeric Conversion of incidence objects
bootstrap Bootstrap incidence time series
cumulate Compute cumulative 'incidence'
cumulate.default Compute cumulative 'incidence'
cumulate.incidence Compute cumulative 'incidence'
dim.incidence Access various elements of an incidence object
estimate_peak Estimate the peak date of an incidence curve using bootstrap
find_peak Find the peak date of an incidence curve
fit Fit exponential models to incidence data
fit_optim_split Fit exponential models to incidence data
get_counts Get counts from an incidence object
get_counts.incidence Get counts from an incidence object
get_dates Retrieve dates from an incidence object
get_dates.default Retrieve dates from an incidence object
get_dates.incidence Retrieve dates from an incidence object
get_fit Accessors for 'incidence_fit' objects
get_fit.incidence_fit Accessors for 'incidence_fit' objects
get_fit.incidence_fit_list Accessors for 'incidence_fit' objects
get_info Accessors for 'incidence_fit' objects
get_info.incidence_fit Accessors for 'incidence_fit' objects
get_info.incidence_fit_list Accessors for 'incidence_fit' objects
get_interval Access various elements of an incidence object
get_interval.default Access various elements of an incidence object
get_interval.incidence Access various elements of an incidence object
get_n Access various elements of an incidence object
get_n.default Access various elements of an incidence object
get_n.incidence Access various elements of an incidence object
get_timespan Access various elements of an incidence object
get_timespan.default Access various elements of an incidence object
get_timespan.incidence Access various elements of an incidence object
group_names extract and set group names
group_names.default extract and set group names
group_names.incidence extract and set group names
group_names<- extract and set group names
group_names<-.default extract and set group names
group_names<-.incidence extract and set group names
incidence Compute incidence of events from a vector of dates.
incidence.character Compute incidence of events from a vector of dates.
incidence.Date Compute incidence of events from a vector of dates.
incidence.default Compute incidence of events from a vector of dates.
incidence.integer Compute incidence of events from a vector of dates.
incidence.numeric Compute incidence of events from a vector of dates.
incidence.POSIXt Compute incidence of events from a vector of dates.
incidence_pal1 Color palettes used in incidence
incidence_pal1_dark Color palettes used in incidence
incidence_pal1_light Color palettes used in incidence
make_breaks Plot function for incidence objects
palettes Color palettes used in incidence
plot.incidence Plot function for incidence objects
plot.incidence_fit Plot function for incidence objects
plot.incidence_fit_list Plot function for incidence objects
pool Pool 'incidence' across groups
print.incidence Compute incidence of events from a vector of dates.
print.incidence_fit Fit exponential models to incidence data
print.incidence_fit_list Fit exponential models to incidence data
scale_x_incidence Plot function for incidence objects
subset.incidence Subsetting 'incidence' objects
[.incidence Subsetting 'incidence' objects
`group_names<-`.default extract and set group names