roundWeights {inca}R Documentation

Function for Rounding Weights


This function performs an optimal rounding of the provided real weights, in order to reduce a specific objective function


roundWeights(weights, formula, targets, objective = c("L1", "aL1", "rL1",
  "LB1", "rB1", "rbLasso1", "L2", "aL2", "rL2", "LB2", "rB2", "rbLasso2"),
  tgtBnds = NULL, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, scale = NULL,
  sparse = FALSE, data = environment(formula))



A numerical vector of real weights to be rounded


A formula to express a linear system for hitting the targets


A numerical vector of point-targets to hit


A character specifying the objective function used for calibration. By default, it is "L1". See details for more information


A two-column matrix containing the bounds for the point-targets


A numerical vector or value defining the lower bounds of the weights


A numerical vector or value defining the upper bounds of the weights


A numerical vector of positive values


A logical value denoting if the linear system is sparse or not. By default, it is FALSE


A data.frame or matrix object containing the data to be used for calibration


The optimal rounding can be performed by considering one of the following objective functions:


for the summation of absolute errors


for the asymmetric summation of absolute errors


for the summation of absolute relative errors


for the summation of absolute errors if outside the boundaries


for the summation of absolute relative errors if outside the boundaries


for the summation of absolute relative errors if outside the boundaries plus a Lasso penalty based on the distance from the provided weights


for the summation of square errors


for the asymmetric summation of square errors


for the summation of square relative errors


for the summation of square errors if outside the boundaries


for the summation of square relative errors if outside the boundaries


for the summation of square relative errors if outside the boundaries plus a Lasso penalty based on the distance from the provided weights

A two-column matrix must be provided to tgtBnds when objective = "LB1", objective = "rB1", objective = "rbLasso1", objective = "LB2", objective = "rB2", and objective = "rbLasso2".

The argument scale must be specified with a vector of positive reals number when objective = "rL1" or objective = "rL2".


A vector of integer weights to be the input of the calibration algorithm


w <- rpois(150, 4)
data <- matrix(rbinom(150000, 1, .3) * rpois(150000, 4), 1000, 150)
y <- data %*% w
w <- runif(150, 0, 7.5)
rw <- roundWeights(w, ~. + 0, y, lower = 1, upper = 7, sparse = TRUE, data = data)
barplot(table(rw), main = "Rounded weigths")

[Package inca version 0.0.4 Index]