r2_hf {inbreedR} | R Documentation |
Expected r2 between standardized multilocus heterozygosity (h) and inbreeding level (f)
Expected r2 between standardized multilocus heterozygosity (h) and inbreeding level (f)
r2_hf(genotypes, type = c("msats", "snps"), nboot = NULL,
parallel = FALSE, ncores = NULL, CI = 0.95)
genotypes |
type |
specifies g2 formula to take. Type "snps" for large datasets and "msats" for smaller datasets. |
nboot |
number of bootstraps over individuals to estimate a confidence interval around r2(h, f) |
parallel |
Default is FALSE. If TRUE, bootstrapping and permutation tests are parallelized |
ncores |
Specify number of cores to use for parallelization. By default, all available cores but one are used. |
CI |
confidence interval (default to 0.95) |
call |
function call. |
r2_hf_full |
expected r2 between inbreeding and sMLH for the full dataset |
r2_hf_boot |
expected r2 values from bootstrapping over individuals |
CI_boot |
confidence interval around the expected r2 |
nobs |
number of observations |
nloc |
number of markers |
Martin A. Stoffel (martin.adam.stoffel@gmail.com)
Slate, J., David, P., Dodds, K. G., Veenvliet, B. A., Glass, B. C., Broad, T. E., & McEwan, J. C. (2004). Understanding the relationship between the inbreeding coefficient and multilocus heterozygosity: theoretical expectations and empirical data. Heredity, 93(3), 255-265.
Szulkin, M., Bierne, N., & David, P. (2010). HETEROZYGOSITY-FITNESS CORRELATIONS: A TIME FOR REAPPRAISAL. Evolution, 64(5), 1202-1217.
genotypes <- convert_raw(mouse_msats)
(out <- r2_hf(genotypes, nboot = 100, type = "msats", parallel = FALSE))