Initialization Algorithms for Partitioning Cluster Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘inaparc’ version 1.2.0

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inaparc-package Initialization Algorithms for Partitioning Cluster Analysis
aldaoud Initialization of cluster prototypes using Al-Daoud's algorithm
ballhall Initialization of cluster prototypes using Ball & Hall's algorithm
crsamp Initialization of cluster prototypes using the centers of random samples
figen Initialization of membership degrees over class range of a selected feature
firstk Initialization of cluster prototypes using the first k objects
forgy Initialization of cluster prototypes using Forgy's algorithm
get.algorithms Get the names of algorithms in 'inaparc'
hartiganwong Initialization of cluster prototypes using Hartigan-Wong's algorithm
imembones Initialization of a crisp membership matrix using a selected cluster
imembrand Initialization of membership matrix using simple random sampling
inofrep Initialization of cluster prototypes using Inofrep algorithm
inscsf Initialization cluster prototypes using Inscsf algorithm
insdev Initialization of cluster prototypes using Insdev algorithm
is.inaparc Checking the object class for 'inaparc'
kkz Initialization of cluster prototypes using KKZ algorithm
kmpp Initialization of cluster prototypes using K-means++ algorithm
ksegments Initialization of cluster prototypes using the centers of <k> segments
ksteps Initialization of cluster prototypes using the centers of <k> blocks
lastk Initialization of cluster prototypes using the last <k> objects
lhsmaximin Initialization of cluster prototypes using Maximin LHS
lhsrandom Initialization of cluster prototypes using random LHS
maximin Initialization of cluster prototypes using Maximin algorithm
mscseek Initialization of cluster prototypes using the modified SCS algorithm
rsamp Initialization of cluster prototypes using simple random sampling
rsegment Initialization of cluster prototypes using a randomly selected segment
scseek Initialization of cluster prototypes using SCS algorithm
scseek2 Initialization of cluster prototypes using SCS algorithm over a selected feature
spaeth Initialization of cluster prototypes using Spaeth's algorithm
ssamp Initialization of cluster prototypes using systematic random sampling
topbottom Initialization of cluster prototypes using the top and bottom objects
uniquek Initialization of cluster prototypes over the unique values
ursamp Initialization of cluster prototypes using random sampling on each future