tsHeatingComplete {imputeTS}R Documentation

Time series of a heating systems supply temperature (complete)


Time series of a heating systems supply temperature. Measured from 18.11.2013 - 05:12:00 to 13.01.2015 - 15:08:00 in 1 minute steps. This time series provides the truth for the missing values of the tsHeating time series. Thus it is identical to the heating time series except that no value is missing.




Time Series (ts) with 606837 rows.


The time series originates from the GECCO Industrial Challenge 2015. This Challenge was about "Recovering missing information in heating system operating data". Goal was to impute missing values in heating system sensor data as accurate as possible. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3884899)

In order to use this series for comparing imputation algorithm results, there are two time series provided. One series without missing values, which can be used as ground truth. Another series with NAs, on which the imputation algorithms can be applied. The NAs thereby were inserted according to patterns found in similar time series.

There are the two time series:


Moritz, Steffen, Friese, Martina, Fischbach, Andreas, Schlitt, Christopher, and Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas. (2015, May 1). GECCO Industrial Challenge 2015 Dataset: A heating system dataset for the 'Recovering missing information in heating system operating data' competition at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2015, Madrid, Spain. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3884899

See Also

tsAirgap, tsNH4

[Package imputeTS version 3.3 Index]