raw_data {implicitMeasures} | R Documentation |
Dataset with one IAT and two SC-IATs
A dataset containing the data from 152 participants who completed one IAT and two SC-IATs. The object of both the implicit measures was chocolate, either Milk or Dark chocolate:
A dataframe with 6 variables, as follows:
Participant. Participants ID.
latency. Latency of the response times in millisecond.
correct. Response accuracy (0–correct, 1–error).
trialcode. Factor with 32 levels identifying the trial for each response, both for the implicit measures and the demographic questionnaire. It contains also the trials that have to be eliminated, defined as follows:
alert. Defines the SC-IAT trials beyond the response time window.
Reminder, Reminder1. Identify the instruction page.
blockcode. Factor with 13 levels as follow:
practice.iat.Milkbad. IAT practice blocks, Mapping A.
practice.iat.Milkbad. IAT practice blocks, Mapping B.
practice.sc_dark.Darkbad. Dark SC-IAT practice blocks, Mapping A.
practice.sc_dark.Darkbad. Dark SC-IAT practice blocks, Mapping B.
practice.sc_milk.Milkbad. Milk SC-IAT practice blocks, Mapping A.
practice.sc_milk.Milkgood. Milk SC-IAT practice blocks, Mapping B.
test.iat.Milkbad. IAT test blocks, Mapping A.
test.iat.Milkgood. IAT test blocks, Mapping B.
test.sc_dark.Darkbad. Dark SC_IAT test blocks, Mapping A.
test.sc_dark.Darkbad. Dark SC-IAT test blocks, Mapping B.
test.sc_milk.Milkbad. Milk SC-IAT test blocks, Mapping A.
test.sc_milk.Milkgood. Milk SC-IAT test blocks, Mapping B.
demo. Demographic questionnaire.
response. Character registering the type of response for the demographic .