spectratype {immunarch} | R Documentation |
Immune repertoire spectratyping
Immune repertoire spectratyping
spectratype(.data, .quant = c("id", "count"), .col = "nt")
.data |
The data to be processed. Can be data.frame, data.table, or a list of these objects. Every object must have columns in the immunarch compatible format. immunarch_data_format Competent users may provide advanced data representations: DBI database connections, Apache Spark DataFrame from copy_to or a list of these objects. They are supported with the same limitations as basic objects. Note: each connection must represent a separate repertoire. |
.quant |
Select the column with clonal counts to evaluate. Set to "id" to count every clonotype once. Set to "count" to take into the account number of clones per clonotype. |
.col |
A string that specifies the column(s) to be processed. The output is one of the following strings, separated by the plus sign: "nt" for nucleotide sequences, "aa" for amino acid sequences, "v" for V gene segments, "j" for J gene segments. E.g., pass "aa+v" for spectratyping on CDR3 amino acid sequences paired with V gene segments, i.e., in this case a unique clonotype is a pair of CDR3 amino acid and V gene segment. Clonal counts of equal clonotypes will be summed up. |
Data frame with distributions of clonotypes per CDR3 length.
# Load the data
sp <- spectratype(immdata$data[[1]], .col = "aa+v")