Image Processing Library Based on 'CImg'

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Documentation for package ‘imager’ version 1.0.1

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A B C D E F G H I L M N P R S T V W X Y Z misc

imager-package imager: an R library for image processing, based on CImg

-- A --

add Combining images
add.color Add colour channels to a grayscale image or pixel set
add.colour Add colour channels to a grayscale image or pixel set
as.cimg Convert to cimg object
as.cimg.array Turn an numeric array into a cimg object
as.cimg.cimg Convert to cimg object Create an image from a data.frame
as.cimg.double Convert to cimg object
as.cimg.function Create an image by sampling a function Convert an image in spatstat format to an image in cimg format
as.cimg.logical Convert to cimg object
as.cimg.matrix Convert to cimg object
as.cimg.numeric Convert to cimg object
as.cimg.pixset Methods to convert various objects to pixsets
as.cimg.raster Convert a raster object to a cimg object
as.cimg.RasterLayer Convert a RasterLayer/RasterBrick to a cimg image/image list
as.cimg.vector Convert to cimg object Convert a pixel image to a data.frame Convert image list to data.frame Methods to convert pixsets to various objects
as.igraph.cimg Form a graph from an image
as.igraph.pixset Form an adjacency graph from a pixset
as.imlist Convert various objects to image lists
as.imlist.cimg Convert various objects to image lists
as.imlist.imlist Convert various objects to image lists
as.imlist.list Convert various objects to image lists
as.imlist.RasterStackBrick Convert a RasterLayer/RasterBrick to a cimg image/image list
as.pixset Methods to convert various objects to pixsets
as.pixset.cimg Methods to convert various objects to pixsets
as.raster.cimg Convert a cimg object to a raster object for plotting
at Return or set pixel value at coordinates
at<- Return or set pixel value at coordinates
autocrop Autocrop image region
average Combining images

-- B --

B Various shortcuts for extracting colour channels, frames, etc
B<- Replace part of an image with another
bbox Compute the bounding box of a pixset
blur_anisotropic Blur image anisotropically, in an edge-preserving way.
boats Photograph of sailing boats from Kodak set
boundary Find the boundary of a shape in a pixel set
boxblur Blur image with a box filter (square window)
boxblur_xy Blur image with a box filter.
bucketfill Bucket fill

-- C --

cannyEdges Canny edge detector
capture.plot Capture the current R plot device as a cimg image
Cc Coordinates as images
center.stencil Center stencil at a location
channel Various shortcuts for extracting colour channels, frames, etc
channel<- Replace part of an image with another
channels Split a colour image into a list of separate channels
ci Concatenation for image lists
cimg Create a cimg object
cimg.dimensions Image dimensions
cimg.extract Various shortcuts for extracting colour channels, frames, etc
cimg.limit.openmp Control CImg's parallelisation
cimg.openmp Control CImg's parallelisation
cimg.use.openmp Control CImg's parallelisation
cimg2im Convert cimg to spatstat im object
cimg2magick Convert a magick image to a cimg image or image list and vice versa
circles Add circles to plot
clean Clean up and fill in pixel sets (morphological opening and closing) Return or set pixel value at coordinates<- Return or set pixel value at coordinates
colorise Fill in a colour in an area given by a pixset
common_pixsets Various useful pixsets
contours Return contours of image/pixset
convert_pixset Methods to convert pixsets to various objects
convolve Correlation/convolution of image by filter
coord.index Coordinates from pixel index
correlate Correlation/convolution of image by filter
crop.bbox Compute the bounding box of a pixset
crop.borders Crop the outer margins of an image

-- D --

depth Image dimensions
deriche Apply recursive Deriche filter.
diffusion_tensors Compute field of diffusion tensors for edge-preserving smoothing.
dilate Erode/dilate image by a structuring element.
dilate_rect Erode/dilate image by a structuring element.
dilate_square Erode/dilate image by a structuring element.
displacement Estimate displacement field between two images.
display Display object using CImg library
display.cimg Display image using CImg library
display.list Display image list using CImg library
distance_transform Compute Euclidean distance function to a specified value.
draw_circle Draw circle on image
draw_rect Draw rectangle on image
draw_text Draw text on an image

-- E --

enorm Combining images
equal Combining images
erode Erode/dilate image by a structuring element.
erode_rect Erode/dilate image by a structuring element.
erode_square Erode/dilate image by a structuring element.
extract_patches Extract image patches and return a list
extract_patches3D Extract image patches and return a list

-- F --

FFT Compute the Discrete Fourier Transform of an image
fill Clean up and fill in pixel sets (morphological opening and closing)
flatten.alpha Flatten alpha channel
frame Various shortcuts for extracting colour channels, frames, etc
frame<- Replace part of an image with another
frames Split a video into separate frames

-- G --

G Various shortcuts for extracting colour channels, frames, etc
G<- Replace part of an image with another
get.locations Return coordinates of subset of pixels
get.stencil Return pixel values in a neighbourhood defined by a stencil
get_gradient Compute image gradient.
get_hessian Return image hessian.
grab Select image regions interactively
grabLine Select image regions interactively
grabPoint Select image regions interactively
grabRect Select image regions interactively
grayscale Convert an RGB image to grayscale
grow Grow/shrink a pixel set
gsdim Grayscale dimensions of image

-- H --

haar Compute Haar multiscale wavelet transform.
height Image dimensions
highlight Highlight pixel set on image
hough_circle Circle detection using Hough transform
hough_line Hough transform for lines
HSItoRGB Colour space conversions in imager
HSLtoRGB Colour space conversions in imager
HSVtoRGB Colour space conversions in imager

-- I --

idply Split an image along axis, map function, return a data.frame
iiply Split an image, apply function, recombine the results as an image
ilply Split an image along axis, apply function, return a list
imager imager: an R library for image processing, based on CImg
imager.colourspaces Colour space conversions in imager
imager.combine Combining images
imager.replace Replace part of an image with another
imager.subset Array subset operator for cimg objects
imappend Combine a list of images into a single image
imchange Modify parts of an image
imcol Various shortcuts for extracting colour channels, frames, etc
imcoord Coordinates as images
imdirac Generates a "dirac" image, i.e. with all values set to 0 except one.
imdo Evaluation in an image context
imdraw Draw image on another image
imeval Evaluation in an image context
imfill Create an image of custom size by filling in repeated values
imgradient Compute image gradient
imhessian Compute image hessian.
iminfo Return information on image file
imlap Compute image Laplacian
imlist Image list
imnoise Generate (Gaussian) white-noise image
implot Plot objects on image using base graphics
imrep Replicate images
imresize Resize image uniformly
imrotate Rotate an image along the XY plane.
imrow Various shortcuts for extracting colour channels, frames, etc
imsharpen Sharpen image.
imshift Shift image content.
imsplit Split an image along a certain axis (producing a list)
imsub Select part of an image
imwarp Image warping
im_split Split an image along a certain axis (producing a list)
index.coord Linear index in internal vector from pixel coordinates
inpaint Fill-in NA values in an image
interact Build simple interactive interfaces using imager
interp Interpolate image values
is.cimg Checks that an object is a cimg object
is.imlist Check that an object is an imlist object
is.pixset Check that an object is a pixset object
isoblur Blur image isotropically.

-- L --

label Label connected components.
LabtoRGB Colour space conversions in imager
LabtosRGB Colour space conversions in imager
LabtoXYZ Colour space conversions in imager
liply Apply function to each element of a list, then combine the result as an image by appending along specified axis
load.dir Load all images in a directory
load.example Load example image
load.image Load image from file or URL Load a video using ffmpeg

-- M --

magick Convert a magick image to a cimg image or image list and vice versa
magick2cimg Convert a magick image to a cimg image or image list and vice versa
magick2imlist Convert a magick image to a cimg image or image list and vice versa Make/save a video using ffmpeg
map2_il Type-stable map for use with the purrr package
map_il Type-stable map for use with the purrr package
mclosing Erode/dilate image by a structuring element.
mclosing_square Erode/dilate image by a structuring element.
medianblur Blur image with the median filter. In a window of size n x n centered at pixel (x,y), compute median pixel value over the window. Optionally, ignore values that are too far from the value at current pixel.
mirror Mirror image content along specified axis
mopening Erode/dilate image by a structuring element.
mopening_square Erode/dilate image by a structuring element.
mult Combining images
mutate_plyr Mutate a data frame by adding new or replacing existing columns.

-- N --

nfline Plot a line, Hesse normal form parameterisation
nPix Image dimensions

-- P --

pad Pad image with n pixels along specified axis
parall Combining images
parany Combining images
parmax Combining images
parmax.abs Combining images
parmed Combining images
parmin Combining images
parmin.abs Combining images
parorder Combining images
parquan Combining images
parrank Combining images
parsd Combining images
parsort Combining images
parvar Combining images
patchstat Return image patch summary
patch_summary_cimg Extract a numerical summary from image patches, using CImg's mini-language Experimental feature.
periodic.part Compute the periodic part of an image, using the periodic/smooth decomposition of Moisan (2011)
permute_axes Permute image axes
pixel.grid Return the pixel grid for an image
pixset Pixel sets (pixsets)
play Play a video
plot.cimg Display an image using base graphics
plot.imlist Plot an image list
pmap_il Type-stable map for use with the purrr package
px.all Various useful pixsets
px.borders Various useful pixsets
px.bottom Various useful pixsets Various useful pixsets
px.diamond Various useful pixsets
px.flood Select a region of homogeneous colour
px.left Various useful pixsets A pixset for NA values
px.none Various useful pixsets
px.remove_outer Remove all connected regions that touch image boundaries
px.right Various useful pixsets
px.square Various useful pixsets Various useful pixsets

-- R --

R Various shortcuts for extracting colour channels, frames, etc
R<- Replace part of an image with another
RasterPackage Convert a RasterLayer/RasterBrick to a cimg image/image list
renorm Renormalise image
resize Resize image
resize_doubleXY Resize image uniformly
resize_halfXY Resize image uniformly
resize_tripleXY Resize image uniformly
resize_uniform Resize image uniformly
RGBtoHSI Colour space conversions in imager
RGBtoHSL Colour space conversions in imager
RGBtoHSV Colour space conversions in imager
RGBtoLab Colour space conversions in imager
RGBtosRGB Colour space conversions in imager
RGBtoXYZ Colour space conversions in imager
RGBtoYCbCr Colour space conversions in imager
RGBtoYUV Colour space conversions in imager
rm.alpha Remove alpha channel and store as attribute
rotate_xy Rotate image by an arbitrary angle, around a center point.

-- S --

save.image Save image Make/save a video using ffmpeg
shrink Grow/shrink a pixel set
spectrum Image dimensions
split_connected Split pixset into connected components
squeeze Remove empty dimensions from an array
sRGBtoLab Colour space conversions in imager
sRGBtoRGB Colour space conversions in imager
stencil.cross A cross-shaped stencil
subim Select part of an image

-- T --

threshold Threshold grayscale image

-- V --

vanvliet Young-Van Vliet recursive Gaussian filter.

-- W --

warp Warp image
watershed Compute watershed transform.
where Return locations in pixel set
which.parmax Combining images
which.parmin Combining images
width Image dimensions
wsum Combining images

-- X --

Xc Coordinates as images
XYZtoLab Colour space conversions in imager
XYZtoRGB Colour space conversions in imager

-- Y --

Yc Coordinates as images
YCbCrtoRGB Colour space conversions in imager
YUVtoRGB Colour space conversions in imager

-- Z --

Zc Coordinates as images

-- misc --

%inr% Check that value is in a range