Simple Handling of Labelled Data

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Documentation for package ‘ilabelled’ version 0.9.0

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%in% generic for %in%
%in%-method generic for %in%
.init backend for i_labelled
.is_sequential checks if vector is numeric sequence
.i_find_in internal replacement of match function for remove missing values (match is much slower but can handle more data classes)
.i_in Match values
.merge_labels combine old value labels with new value labels
.valid_annotation validate annotation - intern
.valid_label validate variable label - intern
.valid_labels validate value labels - intern
.valid_missing validate missing values/range - intern
.valid_scale validate scale label - intern
.valid_subject validate subject - intern
.valid_wording validate wording - intern
as.i_labelled coerce to i_labelled class
grapesingrapes generic for %in%
is.i_labelled check for class i_labelled
is_decimal Check if vector contains decimal values
i_annotation add annotation to variable
i_assert_labels Check for required value labels in set of variables
i_as_character as character
i_as_factor as factor
i_as_numeric as numeric
i_copy copy labels from one variable to another
i_get_annotation get annotation
i_get_equal_subject get variable names by subject
i_get_equal_wording get variable names by wording
i_get_label get variable label
i_get_labels get value labels
i_get_na_range get missing range
i_get_na_values get missing values
i_get_scale get scale level
i_get_subject get subject
i_get_wording get wording
i_label set variable label
i_labelled class constructor
i_labels set value labels
i_missing_to_na missing values to NA
i_na_range define missing range
i_na_values define missing values
i_print_annotation print annotation
i_print_label print variable label
i_print_labels print value labels
i_print_na_range print missing range
i_print_na_values print missing values
i_print_scale print scale level
i_print_subject print subject
i_print_wording print wording
i_recode i_recode Function for recoding new variable from origin variable(s).
i_remove_annotation remove annotation
i_remove_label remove variable label
i_remove_labels remove all value labels
i_remove_missing_labels remove missing labels
i_remove_na_range remove as na range
i_remove_na_values remove as na values
i_remove_scale remove scale level
i_remove_subject remove subject
i_remove_wording remove wording
i_scale set scale level
i_sort_labels sort value labels by values or by labels
i_subject add subject to variable
i_table cross tabulation and table creation using i_labelled labels
i_to_base_class remove class i_labelled and return base R class
i_unclass unclass variables
i_valid_annotation validate annotation
i_valid_label validate variable labels
i_valid_labels validate value labels
i_valid_scale validate variable scale level
i_valid_subject validate subject
i_valid_wording validate wording
i_wording add wording to variable
print.i_labelled custom print method for i_labelled
[.i_labelled subsetting vectors of class i_labelled