as.matrix.igraph {igraph}R Documentation

Convert igraph objects to adjacency or edge list matrices


Get adjacency or edgelist representation of the network stored as an igraph object.


## S3 method for class 'igraph'
as.matrix(x, matrix.type = c("adjacency", "edgelist"), ...)



object of class igraph, the network


character, type of matrix to return, currently "adjacency" or "edgelist" are supported


other arguments to/from other methods


If matrix.type is "edgelist", then a two-column numeric edge list matrix is returned. The value of attrname is ignored.

If matrix.type is "adjacency", then a square adjacency matrix is returned. For adjacency matrices, you can use the attr keyword argument to use the values of an edge attribute in the matrix cells. See the documentation of as_adjacency_matrix for more details.

Other arguments passed through ... are passed to either as_adjacency_matrix() or as_edgelist() depending on the value of matrix.type.


Depending on the value of matrix.type either a square adjacency matrix or a two-column numeric matrix representing the edgelist.


Michal Bojanowski, originally from the intergraph package

See Also

Other conversion: as.directed(), as_adj_list(), as_adjacency_matrix(), as_biadjacency_matrix(), as_data_frame(), as_edgelist(), as_graphnel(), as_long_data_frame(), graph_from_adj_list(), graph_from_graphnel()


g <- make_graph("zachary")
as.matrix(g, "adjacency")
as.matrix(g, "edgelist")
# use edge attribute "weight"
E(g)$weight <- rep(1:10, length.out = ecount(g))
as.matrix(g, "adjacency", sparse = FALSE, attr = "weight")

[Package igraph version 2.0.3 Index]