pcondig21 {igcop}R Documentation

IG Copula Family Functions


Functions related to the IG copula family, denoted by 'ig'.


pcondig21(v, u, theta, alpha)

qcondig21(p, u, theta, alpha)

qcondig(p, u, theta, alpha)

pcondig(v, u, theta, alpha)

pcondig12(u, v, theta, alpha)

qcondig12(p, v, theta, alpha)

dig(u, v, theta, alpha)

logdig(u, v, theta, alpha)

pig(u, v, theta, alpha)

rig(n, theta, alpha)


u, v

Vectors of values between 0 and 1 representing values of the first and second copula variables.


Parameter of the IG copula family. Vectorized; >0.


Parameter of the IG copula family. Vectorized; >0.


Vector of quantile levels between 0 and 1 to evaluate a quantile function at.


Positive integer. Number of observations to randomly draw.


Numeric vector of length equal to the length of the input vector(s).


Inputting two vectors greater than length 1 is allowed, if they're the same length. Also, qcondig21 and pcondig21 are the same as qcondig and pcondig – they're the distributions of variable 2 given 1.


u <- runif(10)
v <- runif(10)
pig(u, v, theta = 5, alpha = 1)
dig(u, v, theta = 2, alpha = 2)
logdig(u, v, theta = 2, alpha = 2)
pcondig21(v, u, theta = 3, alpha = 6)
qcondig21(v, u, theta = 3, alpha = 6)
pcondig12(u, v, theta = 3, alpha = 6)
qcondig12(u, v, theta = 3, alpha = 6)
rig(10, theta = 3, alpha = 3)

# log density available for extra precision
log(dig(0.1, 0.1, 2.5, 12.3)) == logdig(0.1, 0.1, 2.5, 12.3)

[Package igcop version 1.0.2 Index]