expFileOutput {ie2misc}R Documentation

expFileOutput and expFileOutputBATCH


expFileOutput and expFileOutputBATCH process raw .exp files generated by the USGS PeakFQ program (http://water.usgs.gov/software/PeakFQ/). The .exp output file from running PeakFQ is a shortened version of the longer narrative .prt file, more suitable for tabulating the model results than the .prt file; however, the information must be changed to a fixed field format.


  file = tk_choose.files(default = "", caption =
    "Select file(s) to open & hold down Ctrl to choose more than 1 file", multi = TRUE,
    filters = matrix(c("Text file", ".exp", "Text file", ".EXP"), 4, 2, byrow = TRUE)),
  output = c("csv", "xlsx", "both"),
  overwrite = TRUE

  path = tk_choose.dir(caption = "Select the directory with the .exp files"),
  output = c("csv", "xlsx", "both"),
  overwrite = TRUE



Input .exp file(s), using a file dialog, to obtain 1) the goodness-of-fit and trend results & 2) the exceedance probability values.


The exported format for each set of results (options are .csv, .xlsx, and both file types).


logical vector that determines whether the existing should be overwritten or not.


Directory path of .exp files, to be selected through a directory dialog, to obtain 1) the goodness-of-fit and trend results & 2) the exceedance probability values. The user will be asked where to find the .exp files & then the user will be asked where to save the results files.


expFileOutput converts the user-selected .exp file to 1) a tab-delimited .csv file for a single station with the goodness-of-fit and trend results (all station information exists in a single row) and 2) a tab-delimited .csv file for a single station with the exceedance probability values on each row. For the .xlsx file, tab 1 contains the goodness-of-fit and trend results and tab 2 contains the exceedance probability values.

expFileOutputBATCH converts the user-selected directory of .exp files into 1) a tab-delimited .csv file as a single table, with one record for each station, with the goodness-of-fit and trend results and 2) a tab-delimited .csv file as a single table, with a set of records for each station, with the exceedance probability values on each row. For the .xlsx file, tab 1 contains the goodness-of-fit and trend results and tab 2 contains the exceedance probability values.

In the Examples section, there is R code for the user to view the example .exp file.


.csv, .xlsx, or both file types with 1) the goodness-of-fit and trend results & 2) the exceedance probability values for individual sites in separate files. Currently, in the BATCH mode, all stations in the given directory are combined in a single data.frame with both 1) and 2).


Irucka Embry, Anne Hoos


  1. r - How can I check if a file is empty? - Stack Overflow answered by Konrad Rudolph and edited by Geekuna Matata on Apr 23 2014. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23254002/how-can-i-check-if-a-file-is-empty.

  2. r - Better error message for stopifnot? - Stack Overflow answered by Andrie on Dec 1 2011. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8343509/better-error-message-for-stopifnot.

  3. RDocumentation: TclInterface tcltk. See https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/tcltk/versions/3.3.1.

  4. James Wettenhall & Philippe Grosjean, File Open/Save dialogs in R tcltk, December 01, 2015. See https://web.archive.org/web/20160521051207/http://www.sciviews.org/recipes/tcltk/TclTk-file-open-save-dialogs/. Retrieved thanks to the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine

  5. r - read csv files and perform function, then bind together - Stack Overflow answered by bjoseph on Jan 8 2015. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27846715/read-csv-files-and-perform-function-then-bind-together.

  6. r - Convert column classes in data.table - Stack Overflow answered by Matt Dowle on Dec 27 2013. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7813578/convert-column-classes-in-data-table.

  7. r - Transpose rows to columns and remove only NAs in resulting columns - Stack Overflow answered by David Arenburg on April 22, 2014. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23225977/transpose-rows-to-columns-and-remove-only-nas-in-resulting-columns.

  8. r - Add a Column to a Dataframe From a List of Values - Stack Overflow answered by Matthew Plourde on Jun 21 2012. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11130037/add-a-column-to-a-dataframe-from-a-list-of-values/11130178.

  9. r - Why does is.vector() return TRUE for list? - Stack Overflow answered by Andrie on May 17 2011. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6032772/why-does-is-vector-return-true-for-list/6032909.

  10. warnings - How do I get rid of the NOTE's generated by R CMD check when using for example ddply in my package? - Stack Overflow answered by shadow on Mar 4 2015 and edited by shadow on Mar 5 2015. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28851812/how-do-i-get-rid-of-the-notes-generated-by-r-cmd-check-when-using-for-example-d.

  11. multiple output filenames in R - Stack Overflow asked and edited by Gabelins on Feb 1 2013. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14651594/multiple-output-filenames-in-r.

  12. r - Regex return file name, remove path and file extension - Stack Overflow answered and edited by Ananda Mahto on Feb 25 20134. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15073753/regex-return-file-name-remove-path-and-file-extension/15073919.


## Not run: 
# Example to check the input file format

# Copy and paste the following code into the R console if you
# wish to see the .exp input file format.
# Note the number of lines and the row headings.
file.show(system.file("extdata", "01110000_PEAK_WATSTORE.EXP",
  package = "ie2misc"), title = paste("01110000_PEAK_WATSTORE.EXP"))
# opens the .exp file using the default text editor or within RStudio

# Examples to show you different output cases
expFileOutput(output = "csv") # returns .csv files
# Follow the file dialog instructions

expFileOutput(output = "xlsx") # returns .xlsx files
# Follow the file dialog instructions

expFileOutput(output = "both") # returns .csv and .xlsx files
# Follow the file dialog instructions

# Examples to show you different output cases (BATCH)
expFileOutputBATCH(output = "csv") # returns .csv files
# Follow the file dialog instructions

expFileOutputBATCH(output = "xlsx") # returns .xlsx files
# Follow the file dialog instructions

expFileOutputBATCH(output = "both") # returns .csv and .xlsx files
# Follow the file dialog instructions

## End(Not run)

[Package ie2misc version 0.9.1 Index]