tsls.wfit {icsw}R Documentation

Fit instrumental variables model via two-stage least squares, with weights.


Fits linear first- and second-stage models using weighted linear regression.


tsls.wfit(X, Y, Z, weights, ...)



Matrix of covariates and treatment, including constant if intercept is desired.


Vector outcome.


Matrix of covariates and instrument, including constant if intercept is desired.


Observation weights.


Additional arguments to lm.wfit.


A list with the second stage model fit, as returned by lm.wfit.


Peter Aronow <peter.aronow@yale.edu>, Dean Eckles <dean@deaneckles.com>, Kyle Peyton <kyle.peyton@yale.edu>


Peter M. Aronow and Allison Carnegie. (2013). Beyond LATE: Estimation of the average treatment effect with an instrumental variable. Political Analysis.

See Also


compliance.score for calculating compliance scores used in example.


# Load example dataset, see help(FoxDebate) for details

# Estimate compliance scores with covariates, assuming (default) 
#   case of two-sided non-compliance.
covmat <- with(FoxDebate, cbind(partyid, pnintst, watchnat, educad, readnews, gender, 
                                income, white))

cscoreout <- with(FoxDebate, compliance.score(D = watchpro, Z = conditn,
                              W = covmat))

# Extract vector of estimated compliance scores
cscore <- cscoreout$C.score

# Winsorising as described in Aronow and Carnegie (2013)
N <- length(FoxDebate[, "infopro"])
alpha <- 0.275
qcscore <- quantile(cscore, 1 / (N^alpha))
cscore[cscore < qcscore] <- qcscore

# IPW reweighting step Aronow and Carnegie (2013) use for missing data
Ymis <- is.na(FoxDebate[,"infopro"])

IPWweight <- 1 / (1 - predict(glm(Ymis ~ covmat, family = binomial(link = "probit")), 
                              type = "response"))
IPWweight[Ymis] <- 0

# Compute LATE via 2SLS with IPW weights. This replicates 
#   Table 2 Column 1 in Aronow and Carnegie (2013)
outputTSLS <- with(FoxDebate, tsls.wfit(X = cbind(1, covmat, watchpro), Y = infopro, 
                        Z = cbind(1, covmat, conditn), weights = IPWweight))
round(outputTSLS$coefficients, 2)

# Compute ATE via 2SLS with (IPW weights / compliance scores). This
#   replicates Table 2 Column 2 in Aronow and Carnegie (2013)
outputICSW <- with(FoxDebate, tsls.wfit(cbind(1, watchpro, covmat), infopro, 
                        cbind(1, conditn, covmat), w = IPWweight / cscore))
round(outputICSW$coefficients, 2) 

[Package icsw version 1.0.0 Index]