mohn {icesAdvice}R Documentation

Mohn's Rho


Calculate Mohn's rho, the average relative bias of retrospective estimates.


mohn(x, peels = 5, details = FALSE, plot = FALSE, ...)



a matrix or data frame containing retrospective estimates in columns, with years as row names.


the number of retrospective peels to use in the calculation of rho, or NULL to use all retrospective columns in x.


whether to return the intermediate calculations of relative bias.


whether to plot the retrospective trajectories.


passed to matplot and points.


The default value peels = 5 is based on the ICES (2018) guidelines.

The basic plot = TRUE functionality is intended to quickly visualize the calculation of Mohn's rho. To produce a fully formatted plot, bypass the mohn function and plot the x data directly.


Mohn's rho, along with intermediate calculations if details = TRUE.


Relative bias is defined as

bi=θ^T ⁣iRiθ^T ⁣iθ^T ⁣ib_i=\frac{\hat\theta^{R_i}_{T\!-i}\,-\,\hat\theta_{T\!-i}}{\hat\theta_{T\!-i}}

and Mohn's rho is the average relative bias:


See Mohn (1999), Brooks and Legault (2016), ICES (2018), and mohn(shake, details=TRUE) for details.


Arni Magnusson, with a contribution from Ruben Verkempynck.


Brooks, E. N. and Legault, C. M. (2016) Retrospective forecasting — evaluating performance of stock projections in New England groundfish stocks. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 73, 935–950.

ICES (2018) Guidelines for calculating Mohn's rho: Retrospective bias in assessment. Draft document version 7 (2018-04-03), available at the Expert Groups area on the ICES Sharepoint.

ICES (2020) Workshop on Catch Forecast from Biased Assessments (WKFORBIAS; outputs from 2019 meeting). doi: 10.17895/ Scientific Reports 2(28).

Mohn, R. (1999) The retrospective problem in sequential population analysis: An investigation using cod fishery and simulated data. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 56, 473–488.

See Also

shake is a retrospective example table.

icesAdvice-package gives an overview of the package.


mohn(shake, details=TRUE)
mohn(shake, plot=TRUE)

mohn(shake, peels=3, plot=TRUE, col="black", ylim=0:1, yaxs="i")
lines(as.numeric(rownames(shake)), shake$base, lwd=3)

## Plot last 10 years
x <- rbind(matrix(1,28,6,dimnames=list(1981:2008,names(shake))), shake)
mohn(tail(x, 10), plot=TRUE, lwd=2, main="main")

[Package icesAdvice version 2.1.1 Index]