Incomplete Block Designs

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Documentation for package ‘ibd’ version 1.6

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aov.ibd Analysis of Variance, Estimated Marginal Means and Contrast Analysis of Data from An Incomplete Block Design
A_eff A-efficiency of A Binary Incomplete Block Design
bibd Balanced Incomplete Block Design for Given Parameters
btib Balanced Treatment Incomplete Block Designs
btib1 Balanced Treatment Incomplete Block Designs
Cmatrix Information Matrix of a Block Design
design Block Design from Given Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix
design_to_N Block Design to Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix
D_eff D-efficiency of a Binary Incomplete Block Design
ibd Binary Incomplete Block Design for Given v, b and k and Optionally, with a Specified Concurrence Matrix
ibddata Data from an Experiment using Incomplete Block Design
ibdtvc Incomplete Block Design for Test vs Control(s) Comparions
Information.Matrix Information Matrix of a Block Design
is.connected Connctedness of a Binary Incomplete Block Design
is.equir Equi-replicateness a Binary Incomplete Block Design
is.orthogonal Orthogonality a Block Design
is.proper Proper Binary Incomplete Block Design
is.vb Variance Balancedness of a Binary Incomplete Block Design
N Block Design to Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix
N_to_design Block Design from Given Treatment by Block Incidence Matrix
randomize Randomize a block design