Functions and Datasets for the Data Science Course at IBAW

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Documentation for package ‘ibawds’ version 0.6.0

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available_r_version Number of Available R Packages and R Versions from CRAN
bills Summarised Data on Restaurant Bills
breast_cancer Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database
cluster_with_centers Cluster Data According to Centres and Recompute Centres
cran_history History of the Number of Available CRAN Packages
create_grading_table Tables Used for Grading the Papers
create_minreq_table Tables Used for Grading the Papers
define_latex_stats Define LaTeX commands for statistical symbols
density_plot Plot Density and Distribution Function With Markings
dentition Dentition of Mammals
distribution_plot Plot Density and Distribution Function With Markings
downgrade_packages Downgrade Packages to the Previous Version
find_similar_colour Find a Named Colour that is Similar to Any Given Colour
galton_daughters Galton's data on the heights of fathers and their children
galton_sons Galton's data on the heights of fathers and their children
get_reading_exercise_files Get Files for File Reading Exercise
grading_tables Tables Used for Grading the Papers
init_rand_centers Cluster Data According to Centres and Recompute Centres
install_ibawds Install the R-Packages Required for the Course
mtcars2 Dataset mtcars without row names
mtcars2_na Dataset mtcars without row names
noisy_data Noisy Data From a Tenth Order Polygon
n_available_packages Number of Available R Packages and R Versions from CRAN
protein Protein Consumption in European Countries
rand_with_cor Create a Random Vector With Fixed Correlation With Another Vector
rescale Rescale Mean And/Or Standard Deviation of a Vector
seatbelts Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84
set_slide_options Set Options for Slides
voronoi_diagram Create a Voronoi Diagram for a Clustering
wine_quality Wine Quality