bootstrap | Parametric bootstrap |
coef-method | Method for extracting coefficients from an object in class union "Ib" |
effects-method | Method for extracting effects from an object in class union "Ib" |
fitted-method | Method for extracting fitted values from an object in class union "Ib" |
getEst | Accessor to the object in class union "Ib" |
getEst-method | Accessor to the object in class union "Ib" |
getExtra | Accessor to an extra part in class union "Ib" |
getExtra-method | Accessor to an extra part in class union "Ib" |
getIteration | Accessor to the object in class union "Ib" |
getIteration-method | Accessor to the object in class union "Ib" |
getObject | Accessor to the object in class union "Ib" |
getObject-method | Accessor to the object in class union "Ib" |
ib | Bias correction via iterative bootstrap |
Ib-class | An S4 class union for 'ib' |
ib-method | 'ib' method for 'negbin' object from 'glm.nb' function of 'MASS' package. |
ib-method | Bias correction via iterative bootstrap |
IbBetareg-class | An S4 class union for 'ib' |
ibControl | Auxiliary for controlling IB |
IbGlm-class | An S4 class union for 'ib' |
IbLm-class | An S4 class union for 'ib' |
IbLmer-class | An S4 class union for 'ib' |
IbNegbin-class | An S4 class union for 'ib' |
IbNls-class | An S4 class union for 'ib' |
IbVglm-class | An S4 class union for 'ib' |
plot-method | Method for plotting an object in class union "Ib" |
predict-method | Method for making predictions from an object in class union "Ib" |
residuals-method | Method for extracting residuals from an object in class union "Ib" |
show-method | Method for printing object in class union "Ib" |
show-method | Summarizing a fitted model corrected by the ib procedure |
simulation | Generic for simulating from the object |
simulation-method | Simulation for a beta regression |
simulation-method | Simulation for a Generalized Linear Model regression |
simulation-method | Simulation for linear regression |
simulation-method | Simulation for linear mixed model regression |
simulation-method | Simulation for a negative binomial regression |
simulation-method | Simulation for nonlinear regression |
simulation-method | Simulation for vector generalized linear model regression |
simulation-method | Generic for simulating from the object |
summary-method | Summarizing a beta regression fit corrected by the iterative bootstrap |
summary-method | Summarizing a Generalized Linear Model regression fit corrected by the iterative bootstrap |
summary-method | Summarizing a linear regression fit corrected by the iterative bootstrap |
summary-method | Summarizing a linear mixed model regression fit corrected by the iterative bootstrap |
summary-method | Summarizing a negative binomial regression fits corrected by the iterative bootstrap |
summary-method | Summarizing a nonlinear regression fit corrected by the iterative bootstrap |
summary-method | Summarizing a vector generalized linear model regression fit corrected by the iterative bootstrap |
SummaryIb-class | An S4 class union for 'summary' |
SummaryIbBetareg-class | An S4 class union for 'summary' |
SummaryIbGlm-class | An S4 class union for 'summary' |
SummaryIbLm-class | An S4 class union for 'summary' |
SummaryIbLmer-class | An S4 class union for 'summary' |
SummaryIbNegbin-class | An S4 class union for 'summary' |
SummaryIbNls-class | An S4 class union for 'summary' |
SummaryIbVglm-class | An S4 class union for 'summary' |
vcov-method | Method for calculating covariance matrix from an object in class union "Ib" |