iapws95 {iapws}R Documentation

IAPWS-95 Formulation in Single Phase Regions


Compute thermodynamic and transport properties of water and steam using the IAPWS formulation 1995.


iapws95(what, p, t, rho, h, state = NULL)



a character vector listing the output properties. See Details for available properties.


a numeric vector giving the pressure values in MPa.


a numeric vector giving the temperature values in K.


a numeric vector giving the density values in kg/m3^3.


a numeric vector giving the specific enthalpy values in kJ/kg.


NULL or a character vector giving the physical state. One of "liquid", "gas" or "supercritical". In case of NULL, the state is determined by the function iapws95_state().


The available properties for what are:

A valid pair of p, rho, t and h is needed: either (p, t), (rho, t) or (p, h).


A numeric matrix of dimension c(n, length(what)) with n the maximum length of either rho, p, t, h or state.


Computing several properties in a single call may be more efficient than separately because most of the computation time is shared.


Jonathan Debove


International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, IAPWS R6-95(2018), Revised Release on the IAPWS Formulation 1995 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance for General and Scientific Use.

International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, IAPWS R12-08(2008), Release on the IAPWS Formulation 2008 for the Viscosity of Ordinary Water Substance.

International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, IAPWS R15-11(2011), Release on the IAPWS Formulation 2011 for the Thermal Conductivity of Ordinary Water Substance.


# IAPWS-95 Tab. 7
tab <- iapws95(c("p", "cv", "w", "s"),
               t = c(300, 300, 300,
                     500, 500, 500, 500,
                     900, 900, 900),
               rho = c(0.9965560e3, 0.1005308e4, 0.1188202e4,
                       0.4350000e0, 0.4532000e1, 0.8380250e3, 0.1084564e4,
                       0.2410000e0, 0.5261500e2, 0.8707690e3))
format(tab, scientific = TRUE, digits = 9)

# Viscosity Tab. 4
tab <- iapws95("eta",
               t = c(298.15, 298.15, 373.15,
                     433.15, 433.15,
                     873.15, 873.15, 873.15,
                     1173.15, 1173.15, 1173.15),
               rho = c(998, 1200, 1000,
                       1, 1000,
                       1, 100, 600,
                       1, 100, 400))
format(tab, digits = 8)

# Viscosity Tab. 5
tab <- iapws95("eta", t = 647.35, rho = c(122, 222, 272, 322, 372, 422))
format(tab, digits = 8)

# Thermal conductivity Tab. 4
tab <- iapws95("lambda", t = c(298.15, 298.15, 298.15, 873.15),
               rho = c(0, 998, 1200, 0))
format(tab, digits = 9)

# Thermal conductivity Tab. 5
tab <- iapws95("lambda", t = 647.35,
               rho = c(1, 122, 222, 272, 322, 372, 422, 750))
format(tab, digits = 9)

[Package iapws version 1.1 Index]