heavy17 {iapws}R Documentation

IAPWS-17 Formulation in Single Phase Regions


Compute thermodynamic and transport properties of heavy water and steam using the IAPWS formulation 2017.


heavy17(what, p, t, rho, state = NULL)



a character vector listing the output properties. See Details for available properties.


a numeric vector giving the pressure values in MPa.


a numeric vector giving the temperature values in K.


a numeric vector giving the density values in kg/m3^3.


NULL or a character vector giving the physical state. One of "liquid", "gas" or "supercritical". In case of NULL, the state is determined by the function heavy17_state().


The available properties for what are:

A valid pair of p, rho and t is needed: either (p, t) or (rho, t).


A numeric matrix of dimension c(n, length(what)) with n the maximum length of either rho, p, t or state.


Computing several properties in a single call may be more efficient than separately because most of the computation time is shared.


Jonathan Debove


International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, IAPWS R16-17(2018), Revised Release on the IAPWS Formulation 2017 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Heavy Water.

International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, IAPWS R17-20, Release on the IAPWS Formulation 2020 for the Viscosity of Heavy Water.

International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, IAPWS R18-21, Release on the IAPWS Formulation 2021 for the Thermal Conductivity of Heavy Water.


# IAPWS-17 Tab. 7
M <- 20.027508  # g/mol
tab <- heavy17(c("p", "cv", "w", "s"),
               t = c(300, 300, 300,
                     500, 500, 500, 500, 500,
                     800, 800),
               rho = c(0.55126e2, 0.6e2, 0.65e2,
                       0.5e-1, 0.5, 0.4626e2, 0.5e2, 0.6e2,
                       0.1e-1, 0.25) * M)
tab[, c("cv", "s")] <- tab[, c("cv", "s")] / M
format(tab, scientific = TRUE, digits = 9)

# Viscosity Tab. 3
tab <- heavy17("eta", t = c(298.15, 298.15, 298.15, 373.15,
                            775.0, 775.0, 775.0),
               rho = c(0, 1105, 1130, 1064, 1, 100, 400))
format(tab, digits = 8)

# Viscosity Tab. 4
tab <- heavy17("eta", t = 644.101, rho = c(145, 245, 295, 345, 395, 445))
format(tab, digits = 8)

# Thermal conductivity Tab. 3
tab <- heavy17("lambda", t = c(298.15, 298.15, 298.15, 825),
	       rho = c(0, 1104.5, 1200, 0))
format(tab, digits = 6)

# Thermal conductivity Tab. 4
tab <- heavy17("lambda", t = 644.10,
	       rho = c(1, 106, 256, 306, 356, 406, 456, 750))
format(tab, digits = 6)

[Package iapws version 1.1 Index]