Intelligent Predicting Response to Cancer Immunotherapy Through Systematic Modeling

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Documentation for package ‘iPRISM’ version 0.1.1

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iPRISM-package Intelligent Predicting Response to Cancer Immunotherapy Through Systematic Modeling
cor_plot Correlation Plot with Significance Points
data.cell data.cell
data.path data.path
data_sig data_sig
ESscore Enrichment Score Calculation
ESscore_weighted Weighted Enrichment Score Calculation
genelist_cp TME gene list after random walks
genelist_hla HLA gene list after random walks
genelist_imm ICI gene list after random walks
get_gsea_path Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) using Multiplex Networks
get_logiModel Fit Logistic Regression Model
gseafun Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) Function
iPRISM Intelligent Predicting Response to Cancer Immunotherapy Through Systematic Modeling
path_list path_list
ppi A protein-protein physical interaction network (PPI network)
pred_value Original Class Labels for Samples
Seeds Seed Node Names