estimate3D {iNEXT.3D} | R Documentation |
Compute 3D diversity estimates with a particular set of sample sizes/coverages
computes 3D diversity (Hill-Chao number with q = 0, 1 and 2) with a particular set of user-specified levels of sample sizes or sample coverages. If no sample sizes or coverages are specified, this function by default computes 3D diversity estimates for the minimum sample coverage or minimum sample size among all samples extrapolated to double reference sizes.
diversity = "TD",
q = c(0, 1, 2),
datatype = "abundance",
base = "coverage",
level = NULL,
nboot = 50,
conf = 0.95,
nT = NULL,
PDreftime = NULL,
PDtype = "meanPD",
FDtype = "AUC",
FDtau = NULL,
FDcut_number = 50
data |
(a) For |
diversity |
selection of diversity type: |
q |
a numerical vector specifying the diversity orders. Default is |
datatype |
data type of input data: individual-based abundance data ( |
base |
selection of sample-size-based ( |
level |
A numerical vector specifying the particular sample sizes or sample coverages (between 0 and 1) for which 3D diversity estimates (q =0, 1 and 2) will be computed. |
nboot |
a positive integer specifying the number of bootstrap replications when assessing sampling uncertainty and constructing confidence intervals. Enter 0 to skip the bootstrap procedures. Default is 50. |
conf |
a positive number < 1 specifying the level of confidence interval. Default is 0.95. |
nT |
(required only when |
PDtree |
(required argument for |
PDreftime |
(argument only for |
PDtype |
(argument only for |
FDdistM |
(required argument for |
FDtype |
(argument only for |
FDtau |
(argument only for |
FDcut_number |
(argument only for |
a data.frame of diversity table including the following arguments: (when base = "coverage"
Assemblage |
the name of assemblage. |
Order.q |
the diversity order of q. |
SC |
the target standardized coverage value. |
m , mT |
the corresponding sample size (or number of sampling units) for the standardized coverage value. |
qTD , qPD , qFD |
the estimated diversity of order q for the target coverage value. The estimate for complete coverage (when |
Method |
Rarefaction, Observed, or Extrapolation, depending on whether the target coverage is less than, equal to, or greater than the coverage of the reference sample. |
s.e. |
standard error of diversity estimate. |
qTD.LCL , qPD.LCL , qFD.LCL and qTD.UCL , qPD.UCL , qFD.UCL |
the bootstrap lower and upper confidence limits for the diversity of order q at the specified level (with a default value of 0.95). |
Reftime |
the reference times for PD. |
Type |
Tau |
the threshold of functional distinctiveness between any two species for FD (under |
Similar output is obtained for base = "size"
# Taxonomic diversity for abundance data with two target coverages (93% and 97%)
output_est_TD_abun <- estimate3D(Brazil_rainforest_abun_data, diversity = 'TD', q = c(0, 1, 2),
datatype = "abundance", base = "coverage", level = c(0.93, 0.97))
# Phylogenetic diversity for abundance data with two target sizes (1500 and 3500)
data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
tree <- Brazil_rainforest_phylo_tree
output_est_PD_abun <- estimate3D(data, diversity = 'PD', datatype = "abundance",
base = "size", level = c(1500, 3500), PDtree = tree)
# Functional diversity for abundance data with two target coverages (93% and 97%)
data <- Brazil_rainforest_abun_data
distM <- Brazil_rainforest_distance_matrix
output_est_FD_abun <- estimate3D(data, diversity = 'FD', datatype = "abundance",
base = "coverage", level = c(0.93, 0.97), nboot = 10,
FDdistM = distM, FDtype = 'AUC')
# Taxonomic diversity for incidence data with two target coverages (97.5% and 99%)
output_est_TD_inci <- estimate3D(Fish_incidence_data, diversity = 'TD', q = c(0, 1, 2),
datatype = "incidence_raw", base = "coverage",
level = c(0.975, 0.99))
# Phylogenetic diversity for incidence data with two target coverages (97.5% and 99%)
data <- Fish_incidence_data
tree <- Fish_phylo_tree
output_est_PD_inci <- estimate3D(data, diversity = 'PD', datatype = "incidence_raw",
base = "coverage", level = c(0.975, 0.99), PDtree = tree)
# Functional diversity for incidence data with two target number of sampling units (30 and 70)
data <- Fish_incidence_data
distM <- Fish_distance_matrix
output_est_FD_inci <- estimate3D(data, diversity = 'FD', datatype = "incidence_raw",
base = "size", level = c(30, 70), nboot = 10,
FDdistM = distM, FDtype = 'AUC')