Brazil_rainforest_abun_data {iNEXT.3D} | R Documentation |
Abundance data (datatype = "abundance")
This dataset includes tree species abundances in two assemblages/habitats (Edge and Interior) collected from rainforests in Brazil by Magnago et al. (2014, 2015, 2017).
is a species-by-assemblages data.frame (in addition to species names and assemblage names) with 425 tree species and two assemblages (Edge and Interior).
$ Edge: int 11 110 36 12 2 7 11 1 1 0 ...
$ Interior: int 21 11 7 1 0 1 11 13 1 2 ...
Magnago, L. F. S., Edwards, D. P., Edwards, F. A., Magrach, A., Martins, S. V., & Laurance, W. F. (2014). Functional attributes change but functional richness is unchanged after fragmentation of Brazilian Atlantic forests. Journal of Ecology, 102, 475-485.
Magnago, L. F. S., Magrach, A., Barlow, J., Schaefer, C. E. G. R., Laurance, W. F., Martins, S. V., & Edwards, D. P. (2017). Do fragment size and edge effects predict carbon stocks in trees and lianas in tropical forests? Functional Ecology, 31, 542-552.
Magnago, L. F. S., Rocha, M. F., Meyer, L., Martins, S. V., & Meira-Neto, J. A. A. (2015). Microclimatic conditions at forest edges have significant impacts on vegetation structure in large Atlantic forest fragments. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24, 2305-2318.