%*%-method |
Operator methods for graphMatch objects |
as.graphMatch |
Graph matching results class |
best_matches |
Rank best matches |
C.Elegans |
Chemical synapses and electrical synapses networks of roundworm |
center_graph |
Center adjacency matrix |
check_graph |
Parameter checking for a graph-pair |
check_seeds |
Standardize seeds input data type |
check_sim |
Check the similarity matrix passed to a matching function |
check_single_graph |
Parameter checking for a graph-pair |
do_lap |
Linear (sum) assignment problem |
Enron |
Email communication networks of Enron Corporation |
get_perm_mat |
Get Permutation |
gm |
Graph Matching Methods |
graphMatch |
Graph matching results class |
graphMatch-class |
Graph matching results class |
init_start |
Initialization of the start matrix |
largest_cc |
Find the largest common connected subgraph (LCCS) of two graphs |
largest_common_cc |
Find the largest common connected subgraph (LCCS) of two graphs |
pad |
Pad a matrix object with extra rows/columns of 0s. |
plot-method |
Plotting methods for visualizing matches |
sample_correlated_gnp_pair |
Sample correlated G(n,p) random graphs |
sample_correlated_ieg_pair |
Sample graphs from edge probability matrix and correlation matrix |
sample_correlated_rdpg_pair |
Sample graphs from edge probability matrix and correlation matrix |
sample_correlated_sbm_pair |
Sample graphs pair from stochastic block model |
split_igraph |
Split an igraph object into aligned graphs by attribute |
splr |
Sparse Plus Low-Rank Matrices |
splr-method |
Sparse Plus Low-Rank Matrices |
splrMatrix-class |
Sparse Plus Low-Rank Matrices |
splr_sparse_plus_constant |
Add a constant to a splrMatrix object |
summary-method |
Summary methods for graphMatch objects |
Transportation |
Britain Transportation Network |