dlt.prob |
Calculate DLT probability corresponding to average nTTP for each dose |
eff.stg1 |
Generates efficacy outcomes for stage 1 when using binary toxicity |
eff.stg1.nTTP |
Generates efficacy outcomes for stage 1 when using nTTP to measure toxicity |
get.thresh |
Obtain average nTTP at each dose level |
LRtox |
Calculates likelihood of safety for single dose |
LRtox.nTTP |
Calculates likelihood of safety for single dose, using nTTP |
nTTP.indiv.sim |
Simulate full trial (both stages) x times when using nTTP to measure toxicity |
rand.prob |
Calculates randomization probabilities and dose allocation for next patient |
rand.stg2 |
Stage 2 Adaptive Randomization |
rand.stg2.nTTP |
Stage 2 Adaptive Randomization with nTTP to monitor toxicity |
safe.dose |
Identify safe/acceptable doses from stage 1 based on observed binary toxicity |
safe.dose.nTTP |
Identify safe/acceptable doses from stage 1 based on nTTP scores. |
sim.plot |
Generate plots for estimated percent allocation and response per dose. |
sim.summary |
Visualize simulation results (Stages 1&2) |
sim.trials |
Simulate full trial (both stages) x times |
sim.trials.nTTP |
Simulate full trial (both stages) x times when using nTTP to measure toxicity |
Sample array of toxicity probabilities for 6 doses. Taken from Du et al. |
tox.profile |
Generates DLTs and calculates the likelihood-ratio (LR) for each dose |
tox.profile.nTTP |
Generate nTTPs toxicity scores and the likelihhood-ratio (LR) per dose |