Internationalization Data from the 'Unicode CLDR' in Tabular Form

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Documentation for package ‘i18n’ version 0.2.0

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all_currency_codes A vector containing every currency code
all_locales A vector containing all locale names
characters A table with localized character data
characters_elements Element lists for different _CLDR_ data tables
character_labels A table with localized character labels and descriptors
cldr_characters Get localized values from the characters dataset
cldr_character_labels Get localized values from the character_labels dataset
cldr_currencies Get a single localized value from the currencies dataset
cldr_dates Get a single localized value from the dates dataset
cldr_locale_names Get a localized list of locale names from the locale_names dataset
cldr_numbers Get a single localized value from the numbers dataset
currencies A table with localized currency attributes and descriptors
currencies_elements Element lists for different _CLDR_ data tables
currency_code_list Element lists for different _CLDR_ data tables
dates A table with localized date attributes and descriptors
dates_elements Element lists for different _CLDR_ data tables
dates_generic A table with localized generic date attributes and descriptors
day_periods A table with rule sets for naming periods of a day
default_locales A table containing a mapping of default locale names to base locales
delimiters A table with localized delimiter values
element_lists Element lists for different _CLDR_ data tables
layout A table with localized layout data
locale_list Element lists for different _CLDR_ data tables
locale_names A table with localized language, script, and territory names
locale_names_elements Element lists for different _CLDR_ data tables
numbers A table with localized numerical attributes and descriptors
numbers_elements Element lists for different _CLDR_ data tables
script_metadata A table with metadata for a wide variety of script types
tz_bcp_id A table with BCP47 Olson/IANA-style and canonical time zone IDs
tz_exemplar A table with localized names for all time zone exemplar cities
tz_formats A table with localized time zone formatting information
tz_map A table with names of map-based time zones
tz_metazone_names A table with localized time zone names for all metazones
tz_metazone_users A table that links canonical tz names with their metazone
units A table with localized data on units