A Tool Used to Conduct Hypsometric Analysis of a Watershed

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Documentation for package ‘hypsoLoop’ version 0.2.0

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calc_areas Function to calculate areas of classes within a categorical raster
check_arguments Test if user-supplied inputs match the expected arguments type and form
DEM Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Yanze Watershed
drawHypsoCurves Draw Hypsometric curves and calculate hypsometric integrals
generateHypsoTables Generating hypsometric tables
lulcYanze Land Use - Land Cover map of Yanze
raster_conversion Convert the input raster object into terra's SpatRaster object
Vector_conversion Convert the input vector object into simple features if it's provided as a Spatial object
watersheds Yanze sub-catchments boundaries
watersheds_df Yanze sub-catchments table
Yanze_DEM Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Yanze Watershed
Yanze_LULC Land Use - Land Cover map of Yanze
Yanze_sub-catchments Yanze sub-catchments boundaries
Yanze_sub-catchments-table Yanze sub-catchments table