&-method | Combining hypr objects by addition or interaction |
*-method | Combining hypr objects by addition or interaction |
+-method | Combining hypr objects by addition or interaction |
/-method | Combining hypr objects by addition or interaction |
add_intercept | Intercept checks |
all_centered | Contrast centering |
as.call-method | S4 class “hypr” and its methods |
centered_contrasts | Contrast centering |
cmat | Retrieve or set contrast matrix |
cmat2eqs | Shorthand versions for simple hypothesis translation |
cmat2hmat | Shorthand versions for simple hypothesis translation |
cmat<- | Retrieve or set contrast matrix |
contr.hypothesis | Retrieve or set contrast matrix |
contr.hypothesis<- | Retrieve or set contrast matrix |
contrasts<--method | Retrieve or set contrast matrix |
conversions | Shorthand versions for simple hypothesis translation |
eqs2cmat | Shorthand versions for simple hypothesis translation |
eqs2hmat | Shorthand versions for simple hypothesis translation |
filler_contrasts | Generate filler contrasts |
filler_names | Generate filler contrasts |
formula-method | S4 class “hypr” and its methods |
formula<- | Manipulate the formulas of an S4 object |
formula<--method | S4 class “hypr” and its methods |
ginv2 | Enhanced generalized inverse function |
has_intercept | Intercept checks |
hmat | Retrieve and set hypothesis matrix |
hmat2cmat | Shorthand versions for simple hypothesis translation |
hmat2eqs | Shorthand versions for simple hypothesis translation |
hmat<- | Retrieve and set hypothesis matrix |
hypr | Create a hypr object |
hypr-class | S4 class “hypr” and its methods |
is_centered | Contrast centering |
is_intercept | Intercept checks |
levels-method | S4 class “hypr” and its methods |
levels<--method | S4 class “hypr” and its methods |
names-method | S4 class “hypr” and its methods |
names<--method | S4 class “hypr” and its methods |
nlevels-method | S4 class “hypr” and its methods |
remove_intercept | Intercept checks |
show-method | S4 class “hypr” and its methods |
target_names | Generate filler contrasts |
thmat | Retrieve and set hypothesis matrix |
thmat<- | Retrieve and set hypothesis matrix |
which_centered | Contrast centering |
which_filler | Generate filler contrasts |
which_intercept | Intercept checks |
which_target | Generate filler contrasts |