barbiturates {hyperSpec}R Documentation

Barbiturates Spectra from .spc example files A time series of mass spectra in a list of hyperSpec objects.


Barbiturates Spectra from .spc example files A time series of mass spectra in a list of hyperSpec objects.


The data sets consists of 286 spectra. They are the result of importing the BARBITUATES.SPC example data from Thermo Galactic's spc file format specification.


C. Beleites and Thermo Galactic


The raw data is available at


barbiturates [1:3]
length (barbiturates)

barb <- collapse (barbiturates, collapse.equal = FALSE)
barb <- orderwl (barb)

plot (barb [1:3], lines.args = list (type = "h"),
      col = matlab.dark.palette (3), stacked = TRUE,
      stacked.args = list (add.factor = .2))

if (require (latticeExtra)){
levelplot (spc ~ .wavelength * z, log (barb), panel = panel.levelplot.points,
   cex = 0.3, col = "#00000000", col.regions = matlab.palette (20))

plotc (apply (barb [,, 42.9~43.2], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE), spc ~ z,
       panel = panel.lines, ylab = expression (I[m/z == 43] / "a.u."))

[Package hyperSpec version 0.100.2 Index]