hm_show {hydrotoolbox}R Documentation

Easy access to see your data


This method shows the 'head', 'tail' or 'all' data from specific slot.


hm_show(obj, slot_name = "fill", show = "head")

## S4 method for signature 'hydromet'
hm_show(obj, slot_name = "fill", show = "head")

## S4 method for signature 'hydromet_station'
hm_show(obj, slot_name = "fill", show = "head")

## S4 method for signature 'hydromet_compact'
hm_show(obj, slot_name = "compact", show = "head")



a valid hydromet_XXX class object.


string vector with the name of the slot(s) to show. Alternatively you can use 'fill' or 'empty' to get the data frames with or without data respectively.


string with either 'head', 'tail' or 'all'.


It prints the data inside the required slot.



## Not run: 
# lets work with the cuevas station
path <- system.file('extdata', package = 'hydrotoolbox')

# use the build method
hm_cuevas <-
  hm_create() %>%
  hm_build(bureau = 'ianigla', path = path,
           file_name = 'ianigla_cuevas.csv',
           slot_name = c('tair', 'rh', 'patm',
                         'precip', 'wspd', 'wdir',
                         'kin', 'hsnow', 'tsoil'),
           by = 'hour',
           out_name = c('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)', 'patm(mbar)',
                        'p(mm)', 'wspd(km/hr)', 'wdir(°)',
                        'kin(kW/m2)', 'hsnow(cm)', 'tsoil(°C)' )

# now we want to know which are the slots with data
hm_show(obj = hm_cuevas)

# see the last values of our data
hm_show(obj = hm_cuevas, show = 'tail')

# print the entire tables
hm_show(obj = hm_cuevas, show = "all")

# or maybe we want to know which slot have no data
hm_show(obj = hm_cuevas, slot_name = 'empty')

# focus on specific slots
hm_show(obj = hm_cuevas, slot_name = c('kin', 'rh') )
hm_show(obj = hm_cuevas, slot_name = c('kin', 'rh'), show = 'tail' )

## End(Not run)

[Package hydrotoolbox version 1.1.2 Index]