peaktrace {hydroroute}R Documentation

Trace Longitudinal Hydropeaking Waves Along a River Section


Estimates all settings based on the ‘relation’ file of a river section. The function uses a single ‘relation’ file and determines the settings for all neighboring stations with estimate_AE() for all event types specified in event_type. It fits models to describe translation and retention processes between neighboring hydrographs, and generates plots (see vignette for details). Given a file with initial values (see vignette), predictions are made and visualized in a plot. Optionally, the results can be written to a directory. All files need to have the same separator (inputsep) and character for decimal points (inputdec).


  unique = c("time", "metric"),
  inputdec = ".",
  inputsep = ",",
  event_type = c(2, 4),
  saveResults = FALSE,
  outdir = tempdir(),
  TimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
  tz = "Etc/GMT-1",
  formula = y ~ x,
  model = stats::lm,
  FKM_MAX = 65,
  impute_method = base::max,



Character string containing the path of the file where the relation file is to be read from with utils::read.csv(). The file must contain a column ID that contains the gauging station ID. ID's in the file have to be in order of their location in downstream direction.


Character string containing the path of the directory where the event files corresponding to the ‘relation’ file are located. Only relevant files in this directory will be used, i.e., files that are related to the ‘relation’ file.


Character string containing the path of the file which contains initial values for predictions (see vignette).


Character string containing the path where the settings files are to be read from with utils::read.csv() if available. The settings files must be in the format of the output of peaktrace(). If missing or incomplete, the settings are determined automatically.


Character string specifying if the potential AEs which meet the timeLag and metricLag condition should be filtered to contain only unique events using "time", i.e., by selecting those where the time difference is smallest compared to the specified factor of the mean translation time, or using "metric", i.e., by selecting those where the relative difference in amplitude is smallest (default: "time").


Character string for decimal points in input data.


Field separator character string for input data.


Vector specifying the event type that is used to identify event files by their file names (see hydropeak::get_events()). Default: c(2, 4), i.e., increasing and decreasing events.


A logical. If FALSE (default), the generated plots and the estimated settings are not saved. Otherwise the settings are written to a csv file and the plots are saved as png and pdf files.


Character string naming a directory where the estimated settings should be saved to.


Character string giving the date-time format of the date-time column in the input data frame (default: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M").


Character string specifying the time zone to be used for the conversion (default: "Etc/GMT-1").


An object of class stats::formula() to fit models.


Function which specifies the method used for fitting models (default: stats::lm()). The model class must have a stats::predict() function.


Numeric value that specifies the maximum fkm (see ‘relation’ file) for which predictions seem valid.


Function which specifies the method used for imputing missing values in initial values based on potential AEs (default: base::max()).'


Additional arguments to be passed to the function specified in argument model.


A nested list containing an element for each event type in order as defined in event_type. Each element contains again six elements, namely a data frame of estimated settings, a 'gtable' object that specifies the combined plot of all stations (plot it with grid::grid.draw()), a data frame containing “real” AEs (i.e., events where the relative difference in amplitude is within the estimated cut points), a grid of scatterplots ('gtable' object) for neighboring hydrographs with a regression line for each metric, a data frame of results of the model fitting where each row contains the corresponding stations and metric, the model type (default: "lm"), formula, coefficients, number of observations and R2R^2, and a plot of predicted values based on the “initial values”.

[Package hydroroute version 0.1.2 Index]