Hydrological Tools for Handling Hydro-Meteorological Data from Argentina and Chile

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Documentation for package ‘hydroToolkit’ version 0.1.0

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agg_hydroMet Aggregate slot data
agg_hydroMet-method Aggregate slot data
agg_serie Aggregates a data frame to a larger time period
build_hydroMet Automatically load native data files
build_hydroMet-method Automatically load native data files
create_hydroMet Creates an hydroMet class or subclass.
fill_serie Find non-reported dates and fill them with 'NA_real_'
fill_value Fill a time interval in a data frame with a specific numeric value
get_hydroMet Get the slot(s) content(s)
get_hydroMet-method Get the slot(s) content(s)
hydroMet 'hydroMet' superclass object
hydroMet-class 'hydroMet' superclass object
hydroMet_BDHI 'hydroMet' subclass for BDHI (Base de Datos Hidrologica Integrada) data
hydroMet_BDHI-class 'hydroMet' subclass for BDHI (Base de Datos Hidrologica Integrada) data
hydroMet_compact 'hydroMet' subclass for compact data
hydroMet_compact-class 'hydroMet' subclass for compact data
hydroMet_CR2 'hydroMet' subclass for CR2 (Explorador Climático) data
hydroMet_CR2-class 'hydroMet' subclass for CR2 (Explorador Climático) data
hydroMet_DGI 'hydroMet' subclass for DGI (Departamento General de Irrigación) data
hydroMet_DGI-class 'hydroMet' subclass for DGI (Departamento General de Irrigación) data
hydroMet_IANIGLA 'hydroMet' subclass for IANIGLA (Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales) data
hydroMet_IANIGLA-class 'hydroMet' subclass for IANIGLA (Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales) data
hydro_year_DGI Hydrological year classification
interpolate Interpolation
modify_hydroMet Modify data inside a specific slot
modify_hydroMet-method Modify data inside a specific slot
movAvg Moving average windows
plot_hydroMet Methods to easily use 'ggplot2' or 'plotly' (interactive)
plot_hydroMet-method Methods to easily use 'ggplot2' or 'plotly' (interactive)
precip_cumsum Cumulative sum of precipitation series
precip_hydroMet Make homogeneity test or fill gaps in a series
precip_hydroMet-method Make homogeneity test or fill gaps in a series
Qmm_to_Dm River discharge [m3/s] to volume [hm3]
read_BDHI Reads data from Base de Datos Hidrológica Integrada (BDHI) - Argentina
read_CR2 Reads data from Explorador Climático de Chile
read_DGI Reads data from Departamento General de Irrigación (Mendoza - Argentina)
read_IANIGLA Reads data provided by IANIGLA
report_hydroMet Object summaries
report_hydroMet-method Object summaries
report_miss_data Report 'NA_real_' values
rm_spikes Remove spikes
set_hydroMet Set the data of an 'hydroMet' object or its subclasses
set_hydroMet-method Set the data of an 'hydroMet' object or its subclasses
set_threshold Set a threshold
subset_hydroMet Subset your data
subset_hydroMet-method Subset your data
swe_to_melt Snow water equivalent to melt
swe_to_precip Snow water equivalent to snowfall