sname2ts {hydroTSM}R Documentation

Station Name -> Time Series


This function takes a data.frame whose columns contains the time series of several gauging stations, along with a character representing the name of one gauging station, and extracts the time series corresponding to that station.


sname2ts(x, sname, dates=1, date.fmt = "%Y-%m-%d", var.type, 
         tstep.out = "daily", FUN, na.rm = TRUE, from, to)



data.frame containing the complete times series of all the stations.
It may also contain 1 column with the dates of the measurements, or they can be provided in a different way (see dates below).


Character representing the name of a station, which have to correspond to one column name in x


numeric, factor, Date object indicating how to obtain the dates corresponding to the sname station.
-) If dates is a number (default), it indicates the index of the column in x that stores the dates
-) If dates is a factor, it is converted into Date class, using the date format specified by date.fmt
-) If dates is already of Date class, the code verifies that the number of days in dates be equal to the number of element in x


character indicating the format in which the dates are stored in dates, e.g. %Y-%m-%d. See format in as.Date.
ONLY required when class(dates)=="factor" or class(dates)=="numeric".


character representing the type of variable being plotted. Used for determining the function used for computing the monthly or/and annual values when FUN is missing. Valid values are:
-) Precipitation => FUN=sum
-) Temperature => FUN= mean
-) Flow => FUN= mean


character that defines the time step of the desired output time series. Valid values are:
-) daily : daily time series
-) monthly: monthly time series
-) annual : annual time series


ONLY required when var.type is missing and tstep is one of monthly or annual.
Function that have to be applied for transforming from daily to monthly or annual time step (e.g., for precipitation FUN=sum and for temperature and flow ts, FUN=mean)


a logical value indicating whether 'NA' values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.


OPTIONAL, used for extracting a subset of values.
Character indicating the starting date for the values to be extracted. It must be provided in the format specified by date.fmt.


OPTIONAL, used for extracting a subset of values.
Character indicating the ending date for the values to be extracted. It must be provided in the format specified by date.fmt.


zoo object


Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini, mzb.devel@gmail

See Also



## Loading the monthly time series of precipitation within the Ebro River basin.

## Annual values of temperature at the station "T9105", stored in 'EbroPPtsMonthly'.
sname2ts(EbroPPtsMonthly, sname="P9001", dates=1, FUN=sum, tstep.out="annual")

[Package hydroTSM version 0.7-0 Index]