hydroplot {hydroTSM}R Documentation

Hydrological time series plotting and extraction.


hydroplot: When x is a zoo object it plots (a maximum of) 9 graphs (lines plot, boxplots and/or histograms) of the daily, monthly, annual and/or seasonal time series.

sname2plot: When x is a data frame whose columns contain the time series of several gauging stations, it takes the name of one gauging station and plots the graphs described above.


hydroplot(x, ...)
sname2plot(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
hydroplot(x, FUN, na.rm=TRUE, ptype="ts+boxplot+hist", pfreq="dma",                      
          var.type, var.unit="units", main=NULL, xlab="Time", ylab,
          win.len1=0, win.len2=0, tick.tstep="auto", lab.tstep="auto", 
          lab.fmt=NULL, cex=0.3, cex.main=1.3, cex.lab=1.3, cex.axis=1.3, 
          col=c("blue", "lightblue", "lightblue"), 
          from=NULL, to=NULL, dates=1, date.fmt= "%Y-%m-%d", 
          stype="default", season.names=c("Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn"), 
          h=NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'zoo'
hydroplot(x, FUN, na.rm=TRUE, ptype="ts+boxplot+hist", pfreq="dma",                      
          var.type, var.unit="units", main=NULL, xlab="Time", ylab,
          win.len1=0, win.len2=0, tick.tstep="auto", lab.tstep="auto", 
          lab.fmt=NULL, cex=0.3, cex.main=1.3, cex.lab=1.3, cex.axis=1.3, 
          col=c("blue", "lightblue", "lightblue"), 
          from=NULL, to=NULL, dates=1, date.fmt= "%Y-%m-%d", 
          stype="default", season.names=c("Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn"), 
          h=NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
hydroplot(x, FUN, na.rm=TRUE, ptype="ts+boxplot+hist", pfreq="dma",                      
          var.type, var.unit="units", main=NULL, xlab="Time", ylab,
          win.len1=0, win.len2=0, tick.tstep="auto", lab.tstep="auto", 
          lab.fmt=NULL, cex=0.3, cex.main=1.3, cex.lab=1.3, cex.axis=1.3, 
          col=c("blue", "lightblue", "lightblue"), 
          from=NULL, to=NULL, dates=1, date.fmt= "%Y-%m-%d", 
          stype="default", season.names=c("Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn"), 
          h=NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
sname2plot(x, sname, FUN, na.rm=TRUE, ptype="ts+boxplot+hist", 
           pfreq="dma", var.type, var.unit="units", main=NULL, 
           xlab="Time", ylab=NULL, win.len1=0, win.len2=0, 
           tick.tstep="auto", lab.tstep="auto", lab.fmt=NULL, 
           cex=0.3, cex.main=1.3, cex.lab=1.3, cex.axis=1.3,
           col=c("blue", "lightblue", "lightblue"), 
           dates=1, date.fmt = "%Y-%m-%d", from=NULL, to=NULL, stype="default", 
           season.names=c("Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn"), 
           h=NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'zoo'
sname2plot(x, sname, FUN, na.rm=TRUE, ptype="ts+boxplot+hist", 
           pfreq="dma", var.type, var.unit="units", main=NULL, 
           xlab="Time", ylab=NULL, win.len1=0, win.len2=0, 
           tick.tstep="auto", lab.tstep="auto", lab.fmt=NULL, 
           cex=0.3, cex.main=1.3, cex.lab=1.3, cex.axis=1.3,
           col=c("blue", "lightblue", "lightblue"), 
           dates=1, date.fmt = "%Y-%m-%d", from=NULL, to=NULL, stype="default", 
           season.names=c("Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn"), 
           h=NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
sname2plot(x, sname, FUN, na.rm=TRUE, ptype="ts+boxplot+hist", 
           pfreq="dma", var.type, var.unit="units", main=NULL, 
           xlab="Time", ylab=NULL, win.len1=0, win.len2=0, 
           tick.tstep="auto", lab.tstep="auto", lab.fmt=NULL, 
           cex=0.3, cex.main=1.3, cex.lab=1.3, cex.axis=1.3,
           col=c("blue", "lightblue", "lightblue"), 
           dates=1, date.fmt = "%Y-%m-%d", from=NULL, to=NULL, stype="default", 
           season.names=c("Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn"), 
           h=NULL, ...)



zoo, xts or data.frame object, with columns storing the time series of one or more gauging stations.


ONLY required when x is a data frame.
Character representing the name of a station, which have to correspond to one column name in x


ONLY required when var.type is missing AND pfreq != "o".
Function that have to be applied for transforming from daily to monthly or annual time step (e.g., For precipitation FUN=sum and for temperature and flow ts, FUN=mean)


Logical. Should missing values be removed before the computations?


Character indicating the type of plot that will be plotted. Valid values are:
-) ts => only time series
-) ts+boxplot => only time series + boxplot
-) ts+hist => only time series + histogram
-) ts+boxplot+hist => time series + boxplot + histogram


Character indicating how many plots are desired by the user. Valid values are:
-) dma : Daily, Monthly and Annual values are plotted
-) dm : Daily and Monthly values are plotted
-) ma : Monthly and Annual values are plotted
-) o : Only the original zoo object is plotted, and ptype is changed to ts
-) seasonal: Line and bloxplots of seasonal time series (see stype and season.names). When pfreq is seasonal, ptype is set to ts+boxplot


ONLY required when FUN is missing.
character representing the type of variable being plotted. Used for determining the function used for computing the monthly and annual values when FUN is missing. Valid values are:
-) Precipitation => FUN=sum
-) Temperature => FUN=mean
-) Flow => FUN=mean


Character representing the measurement unit of the variable being plotted. ONLY used for labelling the axes (e.g., "mm" for precipitation, "C" for temperature, and "m3/s" for flow.)


Character representing the main title of the plot. If the user do not provide a title, this is created automatically as: main= paste(var.type, "at", sname, sep=" "),


A title for the x axis. See plot.


A title for the y axis. See plot.


number of days for being used in the computation of the first moving average. A value equal to zero indicates that this moving average is not going to be computed.


number of days for being used in the computation of the second moving average. A value equal to zero indicates that this moving average is not going to be computed.


Character indicating the time step that have to be used for putting the ticks on the time axis. Valid values are:
-) days,
-) months,
-) years


Character indicating the time step that have to be used for putting the labels on the time axis. Valid values are:
-) days,
-) months,
-) years


Character indicating with the format to be used for the label of the axis. See format in as.Date. If not specified, it will try "%Y-%m-%d" when lab.tstep=="days", "%b" when lab.tstep=="month", and "%Y" when lab.tstep=="year".


A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default. (See par).


The magnification to be used for main titles relative to the current setting of cex (See par).


The magnification to be used for x and y labels relative to the current setting of cex (See par).


The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex (See par).


A character vector with 3 elements, representing the colors to be used for plotting the lines of the ts, the boxplots, and the histograms, respectively.
When pfreq="o", only one character element is needed. See plot.default).


ONLY required when x is a data frame. It is a numeric, factor or Date object indicating how to obtain the dates corresponding to the sname station.
If dates is a number (default), it indicates the index of the column in x that stores the dates
If dates is a factor, it is converted into Date class, using the date format specified by date.fmt
If dates is already of Date class, the code verifies that the number of days in dates be equal to the number of element in x


Character indicating the format in which the dates are stored in dates, from and to. See format in as.Date.
ONLY required when class(dates)=="factor" or class(dates)=="numeric".


OPTIONAL, used for extracting a subset of values.
Character indicating the starting date for the values to be extracted. It must be provided in the format specified by date.fmt.


OPTIONAL, used for extracting a subset of values.
Character indicating the ending date for the values to be extracted. It must be provided in the format specified by date.fmt.


OPTIONAL, only used when pfreq=seasonal.
character, indicating which weather seasons will be used for computing the output. Possible values are:
-) default => "winter"= DJF = Dec, Jan, Feb; "spring"= MAM = Mar, Apr, May; "summer"= JJA = Jun, Jul, Aug; "autumn"= SON = Sep, Oct, Nov
-) FrenchPolynesia => "winter"= DJFM = Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar; "spring"= AM = Apr, May; "summer"= JJAS = Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep; "autumn"= ON = Oct, Nov


OPTIONAL, only used when pfreq=seasonal.
character of length 4 indicating the names of each one of the weather seasons defined by stype.These names are only used for plotting purposes


OPTIONAL, only used when pfreq=seasonal, for plotting horizontal lines in each seasonal plot.
numeric, with 1 or 4 elements, with the value used for plotting an horizontal line in each seasonal plot, in the following order: winter (DJF), spring (MAM), summer (JJA), autumn (SON).


further arguments passed to the plot.zoo and axis functions or from other methods.


Plots of the daily/monthly/annual/seasonal values of the time series given as input.
Depending on the value of pfreq, daily, monthly, annual and/or seasonal time series plots, boxplots and histograms are produced.
Depending on the value of ptype, time series plots, boxplots and/or histograms are produced.


Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini, mzb.devel@gmail

See Also



## Loading daily streamflows at the station Oca en Ona (Ebro River basin, Spain) ##

## 3 ts, 3 boxplots and 3 histograms
hydroplot(OcaEnOnaQts, FUN=mean, ylab= "Q", var.unit = "m3/s")

## only the original time series
hydroplot(OcaEnOnaQts, pfreq="o")

## only the year 1962 of the original time series
hydroplot(OcaEnOnaQts, pfreq="o", from="1962-01-01", to="1962-12-31")

## Not run: 
## seasonal plots
hydroplot(OcaEnOnaQts, pfreq="seasonal", FUN=mean, stype="default")

## custom season names (let's assume to be in the Southern Hemisphere)
hydroplot(OcaEnOnaQts, pfreq="seasonal", FUN=mean, 
          stype="default", season.names=c("Summer","Autumn", "Winter","Spring"))

## End(Not run)

## Loading the monthly time series of precipitation within the Ebro River basin.

## Plotting the monthly and annual values of precipitation at station "P9001", 
## stored in 'EbroPPtsMonthly'.
sname2plot(EbroPPtsMonthly, sname="P9001", var.type="Precipitation", dates=1, 

## Plotting seasonal precipitation at station "P9001"
par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))

sname2plot(EbroPPtsMonthly, sname="P9001", FUN=sum, dates=1, pfreq="seasonal", 

[Package hydroTSM version 0.7-0 Index]