pairEvents {hydroEvents}R Documentation

Pair Events


Pairing of events performed either forwards or backwards within specified lag times.


pairEvents(events.1, events.2, lag = 5, type = 1)



Events of first data set


Events of second data set


Maximum lag time (search radius) for pairing


Method used to pair events (see details)


Pairing can be performed forwards and backwards and and events.2 need to be a dataframe with column names appropriate to the method type. That is, if pairing needs a time of maximum then "which.max" is expected (see examples). Column names are taken from the function event matching functions. The method types are:

It is appropriate to pick a lag time that is equivalent to the catchment time of concentration if matching rainfall to streamflow.


Returns indices of start and end of events as well as the matched events as a four column dataframe.

See Also

calcStats eventBaseflow eventMaxima eventMinima eventPOT


# Load package
# Identify events
srt = as.Date("2015-02-05")
end = as.Date("2015-04-01")
idx = which(dataCatchment$`105105A`$Date >= srt & dataCatchment$`105105A`$Date <= end)
dat = dataCatchment$`105105A`[idx,]
events.P = eventPOT(dat$Precip_mm, threshold = 1, min.diff = 2)
events.Q = eventMaxima(dat$Flow_ML, delta.y = 2, delta.x = 1, thresh = 70)
# Plot events
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(3, 2.7, 2, 1))
plotEvents(dat$Precip_mm, events = events.P, type = "hyet", colpnt = "#E41A1C",
   colline = "#E41A1C", ylab = "Precipitation (mm)", xlab = "Index", main = "2015")
plotEvents(dat$Flow_ML, events = events.Q, type = "lineover", colpnt = "#E41A1C",
   colline = "#377EB8", ylab = "Flow (ML/day)", xlab = "Index", main = "")
# Pair events
matched.1 = pairEvents(events.P, events.Q, lag = 5,  type = 1)
matched.2 = pairEvents(events.P, events.Q, lag = 5,  type = 2)
matched.3 = pairEvents(events.P, events.Q, lag = 3,  type = 3)
matched.4 = pairEvents(events.P, events.Q, lag = 7, type = 4)
matched.5 = pairEvents(events.P, events.Q, lag = 5, type = 5)
# Plot Pairs
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(5, 1), mar = c(2, 3, 2, 3))
plotPairs(data.1 = dat$Precip_mm, data.2 = dat$Flow_ML, events = matched.1,
   col = rainbow(nrow(events.P)), ylab.1 = "P (mm)", ylab.2 = "Q (ML/day)", cex.2 = 0.66)
plotPairs(data.1 = dat$Precip_mm, data.2 = dat$Flow_ML, events = matched.2,
   col = rainbow(nrow(events.P)), ylab.1 = "P (mm)", ylab.2 = "Q (ML/day)", cex.2 = 0.66)
plotPairs(data.1 = dat$Precip_mm, data.2 = dat$Flow_ML, events = matched.3,
   col = rainbow(nrow(events.P)), ylab.1 = "Q (ML/day)", ylab.2 = "P (mm)", cex.2 = 0.66)
plotPairs(data.1 = dat$Precip_mm, data.2 = dat$Flow_ML, events = matched.4,
   col = rainbow(nrow(events.P)), ylab.1 = "Q (ML/day)", ylab.2 = "P (mm)", cex.2 = 0.66)
plotPairs(data.1 = dat$Precip_mm, data.2 = dat$Flow_ML, events = matched.5,
   col = rainbow(nrow(events.P)), ylab.1 = "P (mm)", ylab.2 = "Q ML/day)", cex.2 = 0.66)

[Package hydroEvents version 0.11 Index]