Flood Extents and Durations along the Rivers Elbe and Rhine

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Documentation for package ‘hydflood’ version 0.5.7

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hydflood-package hydflood: Flood Extents and Durations along the Rivers Elbe and Rhine
classifyToPNV Function to reclassify flood durations to potential natural vegetation
createTiles Function to split large areas ('sfc_POLYGON') into tiles
df.pnv Reference 'data.frame' used to classify flood duration into potential natural vegetation.
flood1 Function to compute flood extent or flood duration 'SpatRaster' along the German federal waterways Elbe and Rhine using the 1d water level algorithm 'hyd1d::waterLevelFlood1()'
flood2 Function to compute flood extent or flood duration 'SpatRaster' along the German federal waterways Elbe and Rhine using the 1d water level algorithm 'hyd1d::waterLevelFlood2()'
flood3 Function to compute flood extent or flood duration 'SpatRaster' along the German federal waterways Elbe and Rhine using the 1d water level algorithms 'hyd1d::waterLevel()' and 'hyd1d::waterLevelPegelonline()'
flood3Points Function to compute flood duration for point coordinates along the German federal waterways Elbe and Rhine using the 1d water level algorithms 'hyd1d::waterLevel()' and 'hyd1d::waterLevelPegelonline()'
getDEM Function to obtain the digital elevation models for the active floodplains along the German federal waterways Elbe and Rhine
hydflood hydflood: Flood Extents and Durations along the Rivers Elbe and Rhine
hydSpatRaster Initialize a 'SpatRaster' for the flood-functions
sf.af Obtain projected versions of 'sf.afe' and 'sf.afr'
sf.afe Active floodplain along the River Elbe
sf.afr Active floodplain along the River Rhine
sf.tiles Obtain projected versions of 'sf.tiles_elbe' and 'sf.tiles_rhine'
sf.tiles_elbe Tiling along the active floodplain of the River Elbe
sf.tiles_rhine Tiling along the active floodplain of the River Rhine
w80ToSFL Function to convert w80-files to 'sfc_LINESTRING'.
w80ToSFP Function to convert w80-files to 'sfc_POINT'.