abs_diff | Absolute difference |
allNA | Is a vector empty? |
and3 | Vectorized logical with support for short-circuits |
and3s | Complex logical expressions |
anyOutside | Are any values outside the interval specified? |
are_even | Are elements of a vector even? |
as_integer_if_safe | Coerce from double to integer if safe |
bench_system_time | Evaluate time of computation |
character2integer | Character to numeric |
COALESCE0 | Convenience function for coalescing to zero |
coalesce0 | Convenience function for coalescing to zero |
Comma | Faster version of 'scales::comma' |
count_logical | Count logicals |
cumsum_reset | Cumulative sum unless reset |
diam | What is the diameter of set of points? |
divisible | Divisibility |
divisible16 | Divisibility |
divisible2 | Divisibility |
every_int | Every integer |
finp | Parallel fastmatching |
fmatchp | Parallel fastmatching |
fnotinp | Parallel fastmatching |
helper | Helper |
Implies | Implies |
isntConstant | Is a vector constant? |
isntSorted | Is a vector sorted? |
is_constant | Is a vector constant? |
is_sorted | Is a vector sorted? |
logical3 | Vectorized logical with support for short-circuits |
logical3s | Complex logical expressions |
match_nrst_haversine | Match coordinates to nearest coordinates |
max_abs_diff | Absolute difference |
minmax | Minimum and maximum |
ModeC | Most common element |
or3 | Vectorized logical with support for short-circuits |
or3s | Complex logical expressions |
pmax0 | Parallel maximum/minimum |
pmax3 | Parallel maximum/minimum |
pmaxC | Parallel maximum/minimum |
pmaxV | Parallel maximum/minimum |
pmin0 | Parallel maximum/minimum |
pmin3 | Parallel maximum/minimum |
pminC | Parallel maximum/minimum |
pminV | Parallel maximum/minimum |
poleInaccessibility | Find a binary pole of inaccessibility |
poleInaccessibility2 | Find a binary pole of inaccessibility |
poleInaccessibility3 | Find a binary pole of inaccessibility |
range_rcpp | Range C++ |
squish | Squish into a range |
sum_and3s | Sum of logical expressions |
sum_isna | Number of missing values |
sum_or3s | Sum of logical expressions |
thinner | What is the diameter of set of points? |
uniqueN_fmatch | Distinct elements |
unique_fmatch | Distinct elements |
which3 | which of three vectors are the elements (all, any) true? |
whichs | Separated which |
which_are_even | Are elements of a vector even? |
which_first | Where does a logical expression first return 'TRUE'? |
which_firstNA | First/last position of missing values |
which_last | Where does a logical expression first return 'TRUE'? |
which_lastNA | First/last position of missing values |
which_true_onwards | At which point are all values true onwards |
xor2 | Exclusive or |