map_rain_exposure {hurricaneexposure}R Documentation

Map counties with rain exposure


Map counties as "exposed" or "unexposed" based on the criteria that the storm came within a given distance (specified by dist_limit) of the county's population mean center and a certain amount of rain rain_limit fell during a specified window of days (days_included).


  days_included = c(-2, -1, 0, 1),
  add_track = TRUE



Character string giving the name of the storm to plot (e.g., "Floyd-1999")


Minimum of rainfall, in millimeters, summed across the days selected to be included (days_included), that must fall in a county for the county to be classified as "exposed" to the storm.


Maximum distance, in kilometers, of how close the storm track must come to the county's population mean center to classify the county as "exposed" to the storm.


A numeric vector listing the days to include when calculating total precipitation. Negative numbers are days before the closest date of the storm to a county. For example, c(-1, 0, 1) would calculate rain for a county as the sum of the rainfall for the day before, the day of, and the day after the date when the storm center was closest to the county center. Values can range from -5 to 3 (i.e., at most, you can calculate the total rainfall from five days to three days after the day when the storm is closest to the county).


TRUE / FALSE of whether to add the storm's track to the map. The default is TRUE.


# Ensure that data package is available before running the example.
#  If it is not, see the `hurricaneexposure` package vignette for details
# on installing the required data package.
if (requireNamespace("hurricaneexposuredata", quietly = TRUE)) {

map_rain_exposure(storm = "Floyd-1999", rain_limit = 50, dist_limit = 100)

# Example of customizine track appearance
allison_map <- map_rain_exposure(storm = "Allison-2001", rain_limit = 125,
                                 dist_limit = 100, days_included = -5:3,
                                 add_track = FALSE)
map_tracks("Allison-2001", plot_object = allison_map, plot_points = TRUE)

[Package hurricaneexposure version 0.1.1 Index]