filter_wind_data {hurricaneexposure}R Documentation

Filter hurricane wind dataset


This function is a helper function for many of the the other functions in this package that measure wind exposure.


  counties = NULL,
  storm = NULL,
  year_range = NULL,
  wind_limit = NULL,
  output_vars = "fips",
  wind_var = "vmax_sust",
  wind_source = "modeled"



A character vector listing all 5-digit county FIPS codes for a subset of counties.


A character string giving the storm ID (e.g., "Floyd-1999")


A numeric vector of length two with the starting and ending year to subset to.


A numeric vector of length one giving the minimum wind speed (in meters per second) or duration of winds of 20 m / s or more (in minutes) to use in the filter. The units of this variable will depend on the user's choice for the wind_var parameter. If the Extended Best Tracks wind radii are used as the source of the wind data, the sustained winds will only be available for cutpoints of 34 knots, 50 knots, and 64 knots, so these values should be used (e.g., to get all counties with winds of 34 knots or higher, you could use wind_limit = 17.4, with the limit given as a value just below 34 knots in the units meters per second).


A character vector listing all the columns to include in the output.


A character string giving the wind variable to use. Choices are "vmax_sust" (maximum sustained winds; default), "vmax_gust" (maximum gust winds), "sust_dur" (minutes of sustained winds of 20 m / s or higher) and "gust_dur" (minutes of gust winds of 20 m / s or higher). If the Extended Best Tracks wind radii are used as the source of wind data, the "gust_dur" option cannot be selected.


A character string specifying the source to use for the winds. Options are "modeled", for estimates based on running a wind model from Best Tracks data inputs, and "ext_tracks", for estimates based on the wind radii in the Extended Best Tracks data. See the help files for the datasets storm_winds and ext_tracks_wind in the hurricaneexposuredata package for more details on each of these sources for wind estimates. For the gust wind estimates, these are based on applying a gust factor of 1.49 to the sustained wind estimates in both wind data sources.


A dataframe with storms filtered based on the input criteria to the function. Columns in the output will vary depending on the user's selections for the output_vars argument.


# Ensure that data package is available before running the example.
#  If it is not, see the `hurricaneexposure` package vignette for details
# on installing the required data package.
if (requireNamespace("hurricaneexposuredata", quietly = TRUE)) {

filter_wind_data(counties = c("22071", "51700"), year_range = c(1988, 2011),
                 wind_limit = 20,
                 output_vars = c("fips", "storm_id", "vmax_sust"))

[Package hurricaneexposure version 0.1.1 Index]