filter_storm_data {hurricaneexposure}R Documentation

Filter hurricane datasets


This function is a helper function for many of the the other functions in this package that measure exposure.


  counties = NULL,
  storm = NULL,
  year_range = NULL,
  distance_limit = NULL,
  rain_limit = NULL,
  include_rain = FALSE,
  days_included = NULL,
  output_vars = c("fips")



A character vector listing all 5-digit county FIPS codes for a subset of counties.


A character string giving the storm ID (e.g., "Floyd-1999")


A numeric vector of length two with the starting and ending year to subset to.


A numeric vector of length one giving the maximum distance (in kilometers) to use in the filter


A numeric vector of length one giving the minimum rain (in millimeters) to use in the filter


A logical specifying whether to pull in rain data to use in the filter or give as output (default is FALSE)


A numeric vector giving the lag numbers for days to include when calculating the total rain over the storm period (e.g., c(-1, 0, 1, 2) would calculate the rain from the day before the storm until two days after the storm). Values in this vector cannot be lower than -3 or higher than 3.


A character vector listing all the columns to include in the output.


A dataframe with storms filtered based on the input criteria to the function. Columns in the output will vary depending on the user's selections for the output_vars argument.


# Ensure that data package is available before running the example.
#  If it is not, see the `hurricaneexposure` package vignette for details
# on installing the required data package.
if (requireNamespace("hurricaneexposuredata", quietly = TRUE)) {

filter_storm_data(counties = c("22071", "51700"), year_range = c(1988, 2011),
                  distance_limit = 250, rain_limit = 150,
                 include_rain = TRUE, days_included = c(-1, 0, 1),
                 output_vars = c("fips", "storm_id", "closest_date",
                                 "storm_dist", "tot_precip"))
filter_storm_data(storm = "Floyd-1999", include_rain = TRUE,
                 days_included = c(-1, 0, 1),
                 output_vars = c("fips", "tot_precip"))

[Package hurricaneexposure version 0.1.1 Index]