huge.mb {huge}R Documentation

Meinshausen & Buhlmann graph estimation


See more details in huge


  lambda = NULL,
  nlambda = NULL,
  lambda.min.ratio = NULL,
  scr = NULL,
  scr.num = NULL,
  idx.mat = NULL,
  sym = "or",
  verbose = TRUE



There are 2 options: (1) x is an n by d data matrix (2) a d by d sample covariance matrix. The program automatically identifies the input matrix by checking the symmetry. (n is the sample size and d is the dimension).


A sequence of decreasing positive numbers to control the regularization when method = "mb", "glasso" or "tiger", or the thresholding in method = "ct". Typical usage is to leave the input lambda = NULL and have the program compute its own lambda sequence based on nlambda and lambda.min.ratio. Users can also specify a sequence to override this. When method = "mb", "glasso" or "tiger", use with care - it is better to supply a decreasing sequence values than a single (small) value.


The number of regularization/thresholding parameters. The default value is 30 for method = "ct" and 10 for method = "mb", "glasso" or "tiger".


If method = "mb", "glasso" or "tiger", it is the smallest value for lambda, as a fraction of the upperbound (MAX) of the regularization/thresholding parameter which makes all estimates equal to 0. The program can automatically generate lambda as a sequence of length = nlambda starting from MAX to lambda.min.ratio*MAX in log scale. If method = "ct", it is the largest sparsity level for estimated graphs. The program can automatically generate lambda as a sequence of length = nlambda, which makes the sparsity level of the graph path increases from 0 to lambda.min.ratio evenly.The default value is 0.1 when method = "mb", "glasso" or "tiger", and 0.05 method = "ct".


If scr = TRUE, the lossy screening rule is applied to preselect the neighborhood before the graph estimation. The default value is FALSE. NOT applicable when method = "ct", "mb", or "tiger".


The neighborhood size after the lossy screening rule (the number of remaining neighbors per node). ONLY applicable when scr = TRUE. The default value is n-1. An alternative value is n/log(n). ONLY applicable when scr = TRUE and method = "mb".


Index matrix for screening.


Symmetrize the output graphs. If sym = "and", the edge between node i and node j is selected ONLY when both node i and node j are selected as neighbors for each other. If sym = "or", the edge is selected when either node i or node j is selected as the neighbor for each other. The default value is "or". ONLY applicable when method = "mb" or "tiger".


If verbose = FALSE, tracing information printing is disabled. The default value is TRUE.

See Also

huge, and huge-package.

[Package huge version 1.3.5 Index]