secrets {httr2}R Documentation

Secret management


httr2 provides a handful of functions designed for working with confidential data. These are useful because testing packages that use httr2 often requires some confidential data that needs to be available for testing, but should not be available to package users.

These all look for the key in an environment variable. When used inside of testthat, they will automatically testthat::skip() the test if the env var isn't found. (Outside of testthat, they'll error if the env var isn't found.)



secret_encrypt(x, key)

secret_decrypt(encrypted, key)

secret_write_rds(x, path, key)

secret_read_rds(path, key)

secret_decrypt_file(path, key, envir = parent.frame())

secret_encrypt_file(path, key)




Object to encrypt. Must be a string for secret_encrypt().


Encryption key; this is the password that allows you to "lock" and "unlock" the secret. The easiest way to specify this is as the name of an environment variable. Alternatively, if you already have a base64url encoded string, you can wrap it in I(), or you can pass the raw vector in directly.


String to decrypt


Path to .rds file


The decrypted file will be automatically deleted when this environment exits. You should only need to set this argument if you want to pass the unencrypted file to another function.


Basic workflow

  1. Use secret_make_key() to generate a password. Make this available as an env var (e.g. ⁠{MYPACKAGE}_KEY⁠) by adding a line to your .Renviron.

  2. Encrypt strings with secret_encrypt(), files with secret_encrypt_file(), and other data with secret_write_rds(), setting key = "{MYPACKAGE}_KEY".

  3. In your tests, decrypt the data with secret_decrypt(), secret_decrypt_file(), or secret_read_rds() to match how you encrypt it.

  4. If you push this code to your CI server, it will already "work" because all functions automatically skip tests when your ⁠{MYPACKAGE}_KEY⁠ env var isn't set. To make the tests actually run, you'll need to set the env var using whatever tool your CI system provides for setting env vars. Make sure to carefully inspect the test output to check that the skips have actually gone away.


key <- secret_make_key()

path <- tempfile()
secret_write_rds(mtcars, path, key = key)
secret_read_rds(path, key)

# While you can manage the key explicitly in a variable, it's much
# easier to store in an environment variable. In real life, you should
# NEVER use `Sys.setenv()` to create this env var because you will
# also store the secret in your `.Rhistory`. Instead add it to your
# .Renviron using `usethis::edit_r_environ()` or similar.
Sys.setenv("MY_KEY" = key)

x <- secret_encrypt("This is a secret", "MY_KEY")
secret_decrypt(x, "MY_KEY")

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