req_retry {httr2}R Documentation

Control when a request will retry, and how long it will wait between tries


req_retry() alters req_perform() so that it will automatically retry in the case of failure. To activate it, you must specify either the total number of requests to make with max_tries or the total amount of time to spend with max_seconds. Then req_perform() will retry if:

It's a bad idea to immediately retry a request, so req_perform() will wait a little before trying again:


  max_tries = NULL,
  max_seconds = NULL,
  is_transient = NULL,
  backoff = NULL,
  after = NULL



A request.

max_tries, max_seconds

Cap the maximum number of attempts with max_tries or the total elapsed time from the first request with max_seconds. If neither option is supplied (the default), req_perform() will not retry.


A predicate function that takes a single argument (the response) and returns TRUE or FALSE specifying whether or not the response represents a transient error.


A function that takes a single argument (the number of failed attempts so far) and returns the number of seconds to wait.


A function that takes a single argument (the response) and returns either a number of seconds to wait or NULL, which indicates that a precise wait time is not available that the backoff strategy should be used instead..


A modified HTTP request.

See Also

req_throttle() if the API has a rate-limit but doesn't expose the limits in the response.


# google APIs assume that a 500 is also a transient error
request("") |>
  req_retry(is_transient = \(resp) resp_status(resp) %in% c(429, 500, 503))

# use a constant 10s delay after every failure
request("") |>
  req_retry(backoff = ~ 10)

# When rate-limited, GitHub's API returns a 403 with
# `X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0` and an Unix time stored in the
# `X-RateLimit-Reset` header. This takes a bit more work to handle:
github_is_transient <- function(resp) {
  resp_status(resp) == 403 &&
    identical(resp_header(resp, "X-RateLimit-Remaining"), "0")
github_after <- function(resp) {
  time <- as.numeric(resp_header(resp, "X-RateLimit-Reset"))
  time - unclass(Sys.time())
request("") |>
    is_transient = github_is_transient,
    after = github_after

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