hs_tstep {htsr}R Documentation

hts time series with fixed timestep


Computes time-series with a fixed timestep from infra-daily to monthly within a shiny web page.




First of all, one must select a "starting" hts file, instantaneous or already with a fixed timestep.

Then one must choose the computing time-step and mode, between the possible choices. Note that the timezone considered is the timezone of the "starting" file.

Possible time-steps are: 5, 10 or 30 minutes, 1, 2, 3, 6 or 12 hours, 1 day, 1 month. It shall be noted that when computing the monthly time step, the daily time step is previously computed.

Possible modes are: average, sum, max or min. For monthly time step, max and min offers two options: daily max averages, respectively min, or absolute, respectively min.

In the case of a daily timestep, a shift value (in hours) allows to shift the time interval. For example if shift = 6, the date is computed from 6am until 6am the following day. The result is dated in the middle of the interval, i.e. if shift = 6; the datetime is 18.

In the case of a monthly timestep, associated additional time series can be optionally computed:

The output files are written in same folder as the starting hts file.


hts files at the requested timestep with a suffix giving the timestep in minutes, i.e. 1440 for the daily timestep. In the case or monthly timestep, the suffixes are: M for the current case, C for the climatology, G for the gapfilled file.

Optionally, two Excel files with values in "calendar form": one with daily data and one with monthly data, the fist one with a ad_ prefix and the second one with the am_ prefix.


P. Chevallier - Oct 2017 - Sep 2023

[Package htsr version 2.1.5 Index]